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Helsingin yliopisto Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

582102: Introduction to Computer Science

Homework 4

Each study circle prepares a report which answers the following questions:

  1. For each compulsory course of the basic and intermediate studies: Which core technologies of computing are the subjects of the course?
  2. Which core technologies of computing are the main subjects of the following Master's degree sub-programmes?
    • Algorithms,
    • Intelligent Systems,
    • Software Engineering,
    • Distributed Systems and Data Communications,
    • Data Management,
    • Data Communications Software and
    • Master's degree programme in bioinformatics.

  • If there is not enough information available in English about some of courses or sub-programmes please consult the Finnish speaking member(s) of your study circle.
  • The core technologies of computing are listed in Table 1 of Peter J. Denning's article "Great Principles of Computing" (Communications of the ACM, 46, 11, November 2003, pages 15-20) ACM Digital Library. Use the Wikipedia and possibly other sources to find out what is meant by each of the core technologies.
  • Grading: 0-5

EMail: Heikki.Lokki@cs.Helsinki.FI