Computer Organization I, Spring 2002, HW 1
To be presented in week 14, 12-14.3.2002)
The last problem is especially important, because we will use the Koksi simulator
during the rest of the course as a standard tool.
- High level language vs.
assemble language. Assume that we have program Simple that is written with
some high level language (C, Java, Pascal), and that it has been
translated into TTK-91 machine language.
Where in the TTK-91 system can the value for
variable X be located during program Simple execution? Give at least two cases.
Give the answers for the following questions for
both (all) cases described above (when possible).
- Which machine
instructions would you use to print value of X?
- Which machine
instructions would you use to print address of X?
- Which machine
instructions would you use to store the value 65 as the value of X?
- Which machine
instructions would you use to store the value 211 as the address of X?
- Which machine
instructions would you use to store the value of X to memory as the value
of variable Y?
- High level language vs.
symbolic assemble language instructions. What kind of structure or part in
a high level language program would need the following TTK-91 (pseudo)
machine instructions to implement it:
- OR
- DC
Give an example of each case.
How do pseaudo-instructions differ from ordinary machine instructions?
- Memory reference modes.
Assume that for each instruction below the starting point is the state
given in of slide
18 ("TTK-91 muistin osoitusmoodit") of lecture 2. For each
instruction, please give the effective address and either the modified
register contents or the address and the contents of the modified memory
location. If some instructions are not legal, give explanation for it.
- LOAD R4, 200
- LOAD R3, One(R1)
- LOAD R3, =One(R1)
- STORE R0, One(R1)
- STORE R2, @9(R3)
- LOAD R0, @R1
- LOAD R1, @(R1)
- STORE R1, @(R1)
- STORE R0, R1
- STORE R2, =One
- The KOKSI simulator for
TTK-91 architecture
- How does a simulator
differ from a real machine (computer)?
- How do the programs
executed in a simulator differ from those executed in a real machine?
- What advantage is
there to execute programs in a simulator instead of a real machine?
- What disadvantage is
there to execute programs in a simulator instead of a real machine?
- [2 htp] Learn to use the
Koksi simulator. See the instructions in schedule web page http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/paivi.kuuppelomaki/tito/k2002/aikataulu.html
- Copy koksi.zip into
your own directory (e.g., "koksi"), and unzip it into that same
(In some Windows versions your directory must reside on the local disk,
not on the file server.)
- Use e.g. the
"Find" facility to locate some textual editor (e.g.,
"edit.com") and place the absolute path name to that (e.g.,
"c:\dos\edit.com") as the only line in initialization file
- From the Koksi
example programs http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/teemu.kerola/tito/esimerkit
pick up the program sum.k91 and save it into your "koksi"
- Start Koksi simulator
(koksi.exe), and clear its memory ("nollaa muisti"). Most of
the time it is easier to use the keys (return, arrows, Esc) than the
mouse for control.
- Use the
"Asetukset" setup to put commenting option ("kommentointi")
on ("päällä").
- Load
("Lataa") and compile ("käännä ohjelma") program
- What are the values
for symbols DONE, KBD and LUKU?
- Execute the program
("Suorita ohjelma") with inputs ("Anna luku") 5, 4, 3
and 0. What value was output ("tulostui")?
- In which location is
the value for variable SUMMA stored in?
- Use the
"Asetukset" setup to put commenting option
("kommentointi") off ("pois") and set execution speed
("suoritusnopeus") to slow ("hidas").
- Execute the program
("Suorita ohjelma") with inputs ("Anna luku") 4, 3
and 0. What value was output ("Tulostettiin")? Why is the value
output wrong? Give two different approaches to fix the problem.
- Try out one of the
approaches and show that your solution is correct.
- Modify the program so
that instead of the sum of input values you compute the product of the
input values. You can edit the program directly withing Koksi simulator
system using the editor you selected (in Koksi configuration file
Koksi.cfg), or outside Koksi using any text editor. However, all Koksi
programs must be stored into that one "koksi" directory.
Be prepared to show all Koksi related homeworks using a PC
at the practice session. Please bring both a listing and on a diskette all the
programs you made for this practice session.