TitoTrainer & Titokone

Piirteet ja ongelmat / Features and Problems (UKK/FAQ)

These may be fixed some day, so please send new features and problems to Teemu.Kerola (at) cs.helsinki.fi. Thank you. o

Some of these problems will be fixed one day - hopefully.

Puutteet korjataan seuraavaan TitoTrainer-versioon, jahka TitoTrainer'in jatkokehitykseen saadaan uusi Ohjelmistotuotantoryhmä.

TitoTrainer students interface

Departmental database server (sysdb.cs.helsinki.fi) is down.
Fix: send mail to atk-apu@cs.helsinki.fi, explain the problem and ask them to kick that machine back on. Include in your mail the exact web address used, e.g., http://sysdb.cs.helsinki.fi/t/tkt_koha/titotrainer/www/login.jsp
