Publications of Hannu (TT) Toivonen
Articles and citation metrics are also available from
- Google Scholar (e.g., 20,000+ citations, h-index 50),
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- Scopus/Elsevier.
(The cited metrics are from Oct 2017.)
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1339-8022.
Selected publications
- Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation. Ping Xiao, Hannu Toivonen, Oskar Gross, et al. ACM Computing Surveys. Accepted for publication.
- Unsupervised Learning of Cross-Lingual Symbol Embeddings Without Parallel Data. Mark Granroth-Wilding and Hannu Toivonen. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, Vol. 2 , Article 4. 2019
- Towards Data-Driven Generation of Visualizations for Automatically Generated News Articles. Alhalaseh, R., Munezero, M. D., Leinonen, M., Leppänen, L. J., Avikainen, J. E. O. & Toivonen, H. Proceedings of the 22nd International Academic Mindtrek Conference. ACM. 100-109.
- No landslide for the human journalist: An empirical study of computer-generated election news in Finland. Melin, M., Bäck, A., Södergård, C., Munezero, M. D., Leppänen, L. J. & Toivonen, H. IEEE Access 6: 43356-43367. 2018.
- "Talent, Skill and Support.": A Method for Automatic Creation of Slogans. Alnajjar, K., Kundi, H. & Toivonen, H. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 88-95. Salamanca, Spain. 2018.
- Towards Transformational Creation of Novel Songs. Jukka M. Toivanen, Matti Järvisalo, Olli Alm, Dan Ventura, Martti Vainio, Hannu Toivonen. Connection Science, DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2018.1443320. 2018.
- Data Musicalization. Aurora Tulilaulu, Matti Nelimarkka, Joonas Paalasmaa, Daniel Johnson, Dan Ventura, Petri Myllys, Hannu Toivonen. Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 14 (2): 47:1-47:27. 2018.
- Finging and Expressing News from Structured Data. Leo Leppänen, Myriam Munezero, Stefanie Sirén-Heikel, Mark Granroth-Wilding, Hannu Toivonen. 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 174-183. Tampere, Finland, September 2017.
- Data-Driven News Generation for Automated Journalism. Leo Leppänen, Myriam Munezero, Mark Granroth-Wilding, Hannu Toivonen. The 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG), 188-197. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2017.
- Aspects of Self-awareness: An Anatomy of Metacreative Systems. Simo Linkola, Anna Kantosalo, Tomi Männistö and Hannu Toivonen. The Eighth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 189-196. Atlanta, GA, June 2017.
- Expanding and Weighting Stereotypical Properties of Human Characters for Linguistic Creativity. Khalid Alnajjar, Mika Hämäläinen, Hanyang Chen and Hannu Toivonen. The Eighth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 25-32. Atlanta, GA, June 2017.
- Teaching Computational Creativity. Margareta Ackerman, Ashok Goel, Colin Johnson, Anna Jordanous, León Carlos, Rafael Perez Y Perez, Hannu Toivonen and Dan Ventura. The Eighth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 9-16. Atlanta, GA, June 2017.
- Summarisation of Weighted Networks. Fang Zhou, Qiang Qu, Hannu Toivonen. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 29 (5): 1023-1052. 2017.
- DopeLearning: A Computational Approach to Rap Lyrics Generation. Eric Malmi, Pyry Takala, Hannu Toivonen, Tapani Raiko, Aristides Gionis. 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 195-204. San Francisco, CA, August 2016. (2-min video preview)
- Novelty-Seeking Multi-Agent Systems. Simo Linkola, Tapio Takala, Hannu Toivonen. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 1-8. Paris, France, June-July 2016.
- Modes for Creative Human-Computer Collaboration: Alternating and Task-Divided Co-Creativity. Anna Kantosalo and Hannu Toivonen. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 77-84. Paris, France, June-July 2016.
- Meta4meaning: Automatic Metaphor Interpretation Using Corpus-Derived Word Associations. Ping Xiao, Khalid Alnajjar, Mark Granroth-Wilding, Kathleen Agres, Hannu Toivonen. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 230-237. Paris, France, June-July 2016.
- Computational Creativity Infrastructure for Online Software Composition: A Conceptual Blending Use Case. Martin Znidarsic, Amilcar Cardoso, Pablo Gervas, Pedro Martins, Raquel Hervas, Ana Oliveira Alves, Hugo Goncalo Oliveira, Ping Xiao, Simo Linkola, Hannu Toivonen, Janez Kranjc, Nada Lavrac. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 371-379. Paris, France, June-July 2016.
- Language-Independent Multi-Document Text Summarization with Document-Specific Word Associations. Oskar Gross, Antoine Doucet, and Hannu Toivonen. The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), 853-860. Pisa, Italy, April 2016.
- LayerFolding: Discovering Creative Links in Word Association Networks. Ping Xiao and Hannu Toivonen. The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), 894-897. Pisa, Italy, April 2016.
- Computational Generation and Dissection of Lexical Replacement Humor. Alessandro Valitutti, Antoine Doucet, Jukka M. Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen. Natural Language Engineering 22 (5): 727–749. 2016. (The datasets are available here.)
- Data Mining and Machine Learning in Computational Creativity. Hannu Toivonen and Oskar Gross. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 5 (6): 265-275. 2015. (A top accessed article of the journal in 2015-2016)
- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2015). Hannu Toivonen, Simon Colton, Michael Cook, Dan Ventura (Editors). Park City, Utah, June 29 – July 2, 2015. Publisher: Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. ISBN 9780842529709.
- Interaction Evaluation for Human-Computer Co-creativity: A Case Study. Anna Kantosalo, Jukka M. Toivanen and Hannu Toivonen. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2015), 276-283. Park City, Utah, June – July, 2015.
- Adaptive Heartbeat Modeling for Beat-to-beat Heart Rate Measurement in Ballistocardiograms. Joonas Paalasmaa, Hannu Toivonen, and Markku Partinen. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 19 (6): 1945-1952. 2015.
- Proceedings, 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Ravi Kumar, Hannu Toivonen, Jian Pei, Joshua Zhexue Huang, and Xindong Wu (Editors). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA. 2014.
- Discovering Statistically Non-Redundant Subgroups. Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Hannu Toivonen, Kenji Satou, Youqiang Sun, and Bingyu Sun. Knowledge-Based Systems 67: 315-327. 2014.
- Document Summarization Based on Word Associations. Oskar Gross, Antoine Doucet, and Hannu Toivonen. The 37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, 1023-1026, Gold Cost, Australia, July 2014.
- From Isolation to Involvement: Adapting Machine Creativity Software to Support Human-Computer Co-Creation. Anna Kantosalo, Jukka Toivanen, Ping Xiao, and Hannu Toivonen. The Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 1-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2014.
- The Officer Is Taller Than You, Who Race Yourself! Using Document Specific Word Associations in Poetry Generation. Jukka Toivanen, Oskar Gross, and Hannu Toivonen. The Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 355-362, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2014.
- Art, News, and Poetry - The Art of Framing. Oskar Gross, Jukka M. Toivanen, Sandra Lääne, and Hannu Toivonen. The Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 336-339, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2014.
- The Use of Weighted Graphs for Large-Scale Genome Analysis. Fang Zhou, Hannu Toivonen, Ross D. King. PLoS One 9 (3): e89618. 2014. (The datasets are available here.)
- Novel Query Suggestions: Initial Work Report. Ilona Nawrot, Oskar Gross, Antoine Doucet, and Hannu Toivonen. The 5th International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation Retrieval & Reasoning (Web-KR '14), 49-54, Shanghai, China, November 2014.
- Software Newsroom – an approach to automation of news search and editing. Juhani Huovelin, Oskar Gross, Otto Solin, Krister Lindén, Sami Maisala, Tero Oittinen, Hannu Toivonen, Jyrki Niemi, and Miikka Silfverberg. Journal of Print Media Technology Research, 2 (3): 141-156. 2013.
- "Let Everything Turn Well in Your Wife": Generation of Adult Humor Using Lexical Constraints. Alessandro Valitutti, Hannu Toivonen, Antoine Doucet, Jukka M. Toivanen. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 243-248, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013.
- Automatical Composition of Lyrical Songs. Jukka Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen, Alessandro Valitutti. The Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), Sydney, Australia, June 2013.
- Harnessing Constraint Programming for Poetry Composition. Jukka Toivanen, Matti Järvisalo, Hannu Toivonen. The Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 160-167, Sydney, Australia, June 2013.
- Effective Pruning for the Discovery of Conditional Functional Dependencies. Jiuyong Li, Jiuxue Liu, Hannu Toivonen, Jianming Yong. The Computer Journal 56 (3): 378-392. 2013.
- Contrasting Subgroup Discovery. Laura Langohr, Vid Podpecan, Marko Petek, Igor Mozetic, Kristina Gruden, Nada Lavrac, Hannu Toivonen. The Computer Journal 56 (3): 289-303. 2013.
- Named Entity Filtering Based on Concept Association Graphs. Oskar Gross, Antoine Doucet, Hannu Toivonen. Research in Computing Science 70: 31-41. (Presented in the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing), Samos, Greece, March 2013.)
- On Creative Uses of Word Associations. Hannu Toivonen, Oskar Gross, Jukka M. Toivanen and Alessandro Valitutti. Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis, Part 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 190, 17-24, Konstanz, Germany, October 2012. (An invited paper.)
- Decomposition and Distribution of Humorous Effect in Interactive Systems. Alessandro Valitutti, Hannu Toivonen, Oskar Gross, Jukka M. Toivanen. Artificial Intelligence of Humor, the AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 96-100, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 2012.
- Sleep Musicalization: Automatic Music Composition from Sleep Measurements. Aurora Tulilaulu, Joonas Paalasmaa, Mikko Waris, Hannu Toivonen. Eleventh International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), LNCS 7619, 392-403, Helsinki, Finland, October 2012. (See for an implementation as web application and example music.) (Winner of the IDA 2012 Frontier Prize as the "most novel and visionary contribution" in the conference.)
- Lexical Creativity from Word Associations. Oskar Gross, Hannu Toivonen, Jukka M Toivanen, Alessandro Valitutti. International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS), 35-42. Melbourne, Australia, November 2012.
- Unobtrusive Online Monitoring of Sleep at Home. Joonas Paalasmaa, Mikko Waris, Hannu Toivonen, Lasse Leppäkorpi, Markku Partinen. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 3784-3788, San Diego, USA, August-September 2012.
- Privacy Preservation by k-Anonymization of Weighted Social Networks. Maria E. Skarkala, Manolis Maragoudakis, Stefanos Gritzalis, Lilian Mitrou, Hannu Toivonen, Pirjo Moen. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 423-428, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012.
- Biomine: Predicting links between biological entities using network models of heterogeneous database. Lauri Eronen and Hannu Toivonen. BMC Bioinformatics 13:119, 2012.
- Corpus-Based Generation of Content and Form in Poetry. Jukka Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen, Alessandro Valitutti, Oskar Gross. International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), 175-179, Dublin, Ireland, May 2012.
- Patterns and Logic for Reasoning with Networks. Angelika Kimmig, Esther Galbrun, Hannu Toivonen, Luc De Raedt. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 122-143, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- Semantic Subgroup Discovery and Cross-Context Linking for Microarray Data Analysis. Igor Mozetic, Nada Lavrac, Vid Podpecan, Petra Kralj Novak, Helena Motaln, Marko Petek, Kristina Gruden, Hannu Toivonen and Kimmo Kulovesi. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 379-389, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- Review of BisoNet Abstraction Techniques. Fang Zhou, Sebastien Mahler and Hannu Toivonen. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 166-178, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- Finding representative nodes in probabilistic graphs. Laura Langohr, Hannu Toivonen. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 218-229, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- Discovery of Novel Term Associations in a Document Collection. Teemu Hynönen, Sebastien Mahler and Hannu Toivonen. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 91-103, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- Network Analysis: Overview. Hannu Toivonen. In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery by Michael R. Berthold (Ed.), 144-146, LNAI 7250, Springer, 2012.
- A Model for Mining Relevant and Non-redundant Information. Laura Langohr and Hannu Toivonen. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 451-456, Trento, Italy, March 2012.
- SegMine workflows for semantic microarray data analysis in Orange4WS. Vid Podpecan, Nada Lavrac, Igor Mozetic, Petra Kralj Novak, Igor Trajkovski, Laura Langohr, Kimmo Kulovesi, Hannu Toivonen, Marko Petek, Helena Motaln, Kristina Gruden. BMC Bioinformatics 12:416, 2011.
- Compression of weighted graphs Hannu Toivonen, Fang Zhou, Aleksi Hartikainen, Atte Hinkka. KDD '11 Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, 965-973, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2011. (Data sets used in the paper)
- Frequent Pattern. Hannu Toivonen. In Encyclopedia of Machine Learning by Claude Sammut and Geoffrey I. Webb (Eds.), Springer, 2010. (H. Toivonen also contributed short entries for Apriori Algorithm, Association Rule, Basket Analysis, and Frequent Itemset.
- Predicting and preventing student failure - using the k-nearest neighbour method to predict student performance in an online course environment. Tuomas Tanner and Hannu Toivonen. International Journal of Learning Technology 5 (4): 356-377. 2010.
- Probabilistic Inductive Querying Using ProbLog. Luc De Raedt, Angelika Kimmig, Bernd Gutmann, Kristian Kersting, Vitor Santos Costa, and Hannu Toivonen. In Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining by S. Dzeroski, B. Goethals, and P. Panov (Eds.), 229-262, Springer, 2010.
- Network Simplification with Minimal Loss of Connectivity. Fang Zhou, Sebastien Mahler, and Hannu Toivonen. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 659-668, Sydney, Australia, December 2010.
- Fast Discovery of Reliable Subnetworks. Petteri Hintsanen, Hannu Toivonen, and Petteri Sevon. The 2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 104-111, Odense, Denmark, August 2010.
- A Framework for Path-Oriented Network Simplification. Hannu Toivonen, Sebastien Mahler, and Fang Zhou. The Ninth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), 220-231, Tucson, Arizona, US, May 2010.
- Fast Discovery of Reliable k-terminal Subgraphs. Melissa Kasari, Hannu Toivonen, and Petteri Hintsanen. The 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Part II, LNAI 6119, 168-177, Hyderabad, India, June 2010.
- Bisociative Knowledge Discovery for Microarray Data Analysis. Igor Mozetic, Nada Lavrac, Vid Podpecan, Petra Kralj Novak, Helena Motaln, Marko Petek, Kristina Gruden, Hannu Toivonen, and Kimmo Kulovesi. The 1st International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC-X), 190-199, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2010.
- Constructing Information Networks from Textual Documents. Matjaz Jursic, Nada Lavrac, Igor Mozetic, Vid Podpecan, and Hannu Toivonen. Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD, 23-38, Bled, Slovenia, September 2009.
- Finding representative nodes in probabilistic graphs. Laura Langohr, Hannu Toivonen. Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD, 65-76, Bled, Slovenia, September 2009.
- Review of Network Abstraction Techniques. Fand Zhou, Sebastien Mahler, Hannu Toivonen Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD, 50-63, Bled, Slovenia, September 2009.
- Finding Reliable Subgraphs from Large Probabilistic Graphs. Petteri Hintsanen, Hannu Toivonen. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 17 (1): 3-23. 2008.
- Compressing Probabilistic Prolog Programs. Luc De Raedt, Kristian Kersting, Angelika Kimmig, Kate Revoredo, Hannu Toivonen. Machine Learning 70 (2-3): 151-168. 2008.
- ProbLog: A Probabilistic Prolog and its Application in Link Discovery. Luc De Raedt, Angelika Kimmig, Hannu Toivonen. Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), 2468-2473, Hyderabad, India, January 2007. ProbLog web site.
- Probabilistic Explanation Based Learning. Luc De Raedt, Angelika Kimmig, Hannu Toivonen. 18th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), 176-187, Warsaw, Poland, September 2007. Winner of the ECML-07 Best Paper Award.
- Constrained Hidden Markov Models for Population-based Haplotyping. Niels Landwehr, Taneli Mielikainen, Lauri Eronen, Hannu Toivonen, Heikki Mannila. BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8(Suppl 2):59.
- HaploRec: Efficient and accurate large-scale reconstruction of haplotypes. Lauri Eronen, Floris Geerts, and Hannu Toivonen. BMC Bioinformatics 7:542. 2006.
- An empirical comparison of case-control and trio-based study designs in high-throughput association mapping. Petteri Hintsanen, Petteri Sevon, Päivi Onkamo, Lauri Eronen, and Hannu Toivonen. Journal of Medical Genetics 43: 617-624, 2006.
- Closed Non-Derivable Itemsets. Juho Muhonen and Hannu Toivonen. The 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 06), 601-608, Berlin, Germany, September 2006.
- Visualisation of Associations Between Nucleotides in SNP Neighbourhoods. Kimmo Kulovesi, Juho Muhonen, Ilkka Lappalainen, Pentti T. Riikonen, Mauno Vihinen, Hannu Toivonen and Tomi A. Pasanen. Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP 06), 61-62, Verona, Italy, August 2006.
- Link discovery in graphs derived from biological databases. Petteri Sevon, Lauri Eronen, Petteri Hintsanen, Kimmo Kulovesi, Hannu Toivonen. 3rd International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences 2006 (DILS'06), LNBI 4705, 35-49, Hinxton, UK, July 2006. Springer.
- TreeDT: Tree pattern mining for gene mapping. Petteri Sevon, Hannu Toivonen, Vesa Ollikainen. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 3 (2): 174-185, April-June 2006.
- A survey of data mining methods for linkage disequilibrium mapping. Päivi Onkamo and Hannu Toivonen. Human Genomics, 2 (5): 336-340, 2006.
- ContextPhone - A prototyping platform for context-aware mobile applications. Mika Raento, Antti Oulasvirta, Renaud Petit, Hannu Toivonen. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 4 (2): 51-59, 2005.
- Combining phenotypic and genotypic data to discover multiple disease genes. Hannu Toivonen, Saara Hyvönen, Petteri Sevon. Symposium on Knowledge Representation in Bioinformatics (KRBIO'05), 7-14, Espoo, Finland, June 2005.
- Mining non-derivable association rules. Bart Goethals, Juho Muhonen, and Hannu Toivonen. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 239-249, Newport Beach, CA, April 2005. SIAM.
- Data Mining in Bioinformatics. Jason Wang, Mohammed Zaki, Hannu Toivonen, and Dennis Shasha (Eds.), Springer, 2005. ISBN 1-85233-671-4.
- Data Mining for Gene Mapping. Hannu Toivonen, Päivi Onkamo, Petteri Hintsanen, Evimaria Terzi, and Petteri Sevon. In Next Generation of Data Mining Applications by Mehmed Kantardzic and Jozef Zurada (Eds.), 263-293. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2005. (manuscript)
- Sosiaalista tilatietoa kontekstipuhelimella. Mika Raento, Antti Oulasvirta, Hannu Toivonen ja Martti Mäntylä. Prosessori 1/2005, s. 54-56. (käsikirjoitus)
- Gene Mapping by Pattern Discovery. Petteri Sevon, Hannu T.T. Toivonen, and Päivi Onkamo. In J. Wang et al (Eds.), Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 105-126. Springer, 2005. (manuscript)
- Mining relaxed graph properties in internet. Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Hannu Toivonen, and Vladimir Poroshin. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004, 152-159, Madrid, Spain, October 2004.
- Paleoekologia - kadonneen aarteen metsästys. Atte Korhola, Hannu Toivonen, Kari Vasko. Tietoyhteys 3/2004 (lokakuu), s. 26-28.
- Segmentation of paleoecological spatio-temporal count data. Kari Vasko, Hannu Toivonen, Atte Korhola. The Fourth International Workshop on Environmental Applications of Machine Learning (EAML 2004), 61-62, Bled, Slovenia, Sep-Oct 2004.
- Adaptive On-device Location Recognition. Kari Laasonen, Mika Raento, and Hannu Toivonen. Pervasive Computing: Second International Conference (Pervasive 2004), LNCS 3001, 287-304, Vienna, Austria, April 2004. Springer Verlag.
- A Markov chain approach to reconstruction of long haplotypes. Lauri Eronen, Floris Geerts, and Hannu Toivonen. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2004), 104-115, Hawaii, USA, January 2004. World Scientific.
- Automated Detection of Epidemics from the Usage Logs of a Physicians' Reference Database. Jaana Heino and Hannu Toivonen. 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD-2003), 180-191, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2003. Springer.
- Proceedings of BIOKDD'03, 3rd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics. Mohammed Zaki, Jason T.L. Wang, and Hannu Toivonen (Eds.). Washington DC, August 2003. Report No. 03-11, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. 2003. (electronic proceedings)
- Statistical evaluation of the predictive toxicology challenge 2000-2001. Hannu Toivonen, Ashwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Stefan Kramer, and Christoph Helma. Bioinformatics 19 (10): 1183 - 1193, 2003.
- Discovering all most specific sentences. Dimitrios Gunopulos, Roni Khardon, Heikki Mannila, Sanjeev Saluja, Hannu Toivonen, Ram Sewak Sharma. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 28 (2): 140 - 174, June 2003.
- BIOKDD 2002: Recent Advances in Data Mining for Bioinformatics. M.J. Zaki, J.T.L. Wang, and H.T.T.Toivonen. SIGKDD Explorations 4 (2): 112 - 114, January 2003.
- Estimating the number of segments in time series data using permutation tests. Kari Vasko and Hannu Toivonen. The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'02), 466 - 473, Maebashi City, Japan, December 2002. IEEE.
- Association analysis for quantitative traits by data mining: QHPM. P. Onkamo, V. Ollikainen, P. Sevon, HTT. Toivonen, H. Mannila, and J. Kere. The Annals of Human Genetics 66: 419 - 429, 2002.
- Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data. R.B. O'Hara, E. Arjas, H. Toivonen, and I. Hanski. Ecology 83 (9): 2408 - 2415, 2002.
- Holocene temperature changes in northern Fennoscandia reconstructed from chironomids using Bayesian modeling. A. Korhola, K. Vasko, H. Toivonen, and H. Olander. Quaternary Science Reviews 21(16-17), 1841 - 1860, 2002.
- Machine Learning: ECML 2002 - 12th European Conference on Machine Learning, LNCS 2430. T. Elomaa, H. Mannila, H. Toivonen (Eds.). Springer 2002.
- Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - 6th European Conference, PKDD 2002, LNCS 2431. T. Elomaa, H. Mannila, H. Toivonen (Eds.). Springer 2002.
- BIOKDD01: Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics. M.J. Zaki, J.T.L. Wang, and H.T.T.Toivonen. SIGKDD Explorations 3 (2): 71 - 73, January 2002.
- Association analysis by data mining tools . Päivi Onkamo, Petteri Sevon, Vesa Ollikainen, Hannu TT Toivonen, Heikki Mannila, and Juha Kere. American Journal of Human Genetics 69(4, Suppl. 1): 1320, October 2001.
- Mining associations between genetic markers, phenotypes and covariates. Petteri Sevon, Vesa Ollikainen, Päivi Onkamo, Hannu TT Toivonen, Heikki Mannila, and Juha Kere. Genetic Epidemiology, 21(Suppl 1): S588 - S593, 2001.
- Time series segmentation for context recognition in mobile devices. Johan Himberg, Kalle Korpiaho, Heikki Mannila, Johanna Tikanmäki, and Hannu T.T. Toivonen. In The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'01), 203 - 210, San Jose, California, November-December 2001. IEEE.
- A second-generation association study of the 5q31 cytokine gene cluster and the interleukin-4 receptor in asthma. Paula Kauppi, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Petteri Sevon, Hannu T. T. Toivonen, John D. Rioux, Anu Villapakkam, Lauri A. Laitinen, Thomas J. Hudson, Juha Kere, and Tarja Laitinen. Genomics 77(1-2): 35 - 42, September 2001.
- BIOKDD01 Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics. Mohammed J. Zaki, Hannu T.T. Toivonen, and Jason T.L. Wang, editors. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, July 2001. RPI Technical Report 01-8.
- Discovery of relational association rules. Luc Dehaspe and Hannu TT Toivonen. In N. Lavrac and S. Dzeroski, editors, Relational Data Mining, 189 - 212. Springer-Verlag, 2001. (manuscript)
- TreeDT: Gene mapping by tree disequilibrium test. Petteri Sevon, Hannu TT Toivonen, and Vesa Ollikainen. In The Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2001), 365 - 370, San Francisco, California, August 2001. ACM.
- Applying Bayesian statistics to organism-based environmental reconstruction. Hannu TT Toivonen, Heikki Mannila, Atte Korhola, and Heikki Olander. Ecological Applications 11(2): 618 - 630, 2001.
- A Bayesian multinomial Gaussian response model for organism-based environmental reconstruction. Kari Vasko, Hannu TT Toivonen, and Atte Korhola. Journal of Paleolimnology 24(3): 243 - 250, October 2000.
- Data mining applied to linkage disequilibrium mapping. Hannu TT Toivonen, Päivi Onkamo, Kari Vasko, Vesa Ollikainen, Petteri Sevon, Heikki Mannila, Mathias Herr, and Juha Kere. American Journal of Human Genetics 67(1): 133 - 145, July 2000.
- Gene mapping by haplotype pattern mining. Hannu TT Toivonen, Päivi Onkamo, Kari Vasko, Vesa Ollikainen, Petteri Sevon, Heikki Mannila, and Juha Kere. In IEEE International Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (BIBE 2000), 99 - 108, Arlington, Virginia, November 2000. IEEE.
- Discovery of frequent Datalog patterns. Luc Dehaspe and Hannu Toivonen. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 3(1): 7 - 36, March 1999.
- Rule discovery in telecommunication alarm data. Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, and Hannu Toivonen. Journal of Network and Systems Management 7(4): 395 - 423, December 1999.
- TANE: An Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Functional and Approximate Dependencies. Ykä Huhtala, Juha Kärkkäinen, Pasi Porkka, and Hannu Toivonen. The Computer Journal 42(2): 100 - 111, 1999.
- Interactive exploration of interesting patterns in the Telecommunication network alarm sequence analyzer TASA. Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, and Hannu Toivonen. Information and Software Technology 41(9): 557 - 567, June 1999.
- Mining for similarities in aligned time series using wavelets. Ykä Huhtala, Juha Kärkkäinen, and Hannu Toivonen. In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology. SPIE Proceedings Series Vol. 3695, 150 - 160, Orlando, Florida, April 1999.
- Finding frequent substructures in chemical compounds. Luc Dehaspe, Hannu Toivonen, and Ross Donald King. In Forth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'98), 30 - 36, New York, August 1998. AAAI Press.
- Learning, mining, or modeling? A case study in paleoecology. Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen, Atte Korhola, and Heikki Olander. In Discovery Science, First International Copnference, 12 - 24, Fukuoka, Japan, December 1998. Springer Verlag.
- Efficient discovery of functional and approximate dependencies using partitions. Ykä Huhtala, Juha Kärkkäinen, Pasi Porkka, and Hannu Toivonen. In 14th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'98), 392 - 401, Orlando, Florida, February 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Levelwise search and borders of theories in knowledge discovery. Heikki Mannila and Hannu Toivonen. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1(3): 241 - 258, November 1997.
- Discovery of frequent episodes in event sequences. Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen, and A. Inkeri Verkamo. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1(3): 259 - 289, November 1997.
- Data mining, hypergraph transversals, and machine learning (extended abstract). Dimitrios Gunopulos, Heikki Mannila, Roni Khardon, Hannu Toivonen. In Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems (PODS'97), 209 - 216, Tucson, Arizona, May 1997. ACM.
- A data-mining methodology and its application to semi-automatic knowledge acquisition. Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, and Hannu Toivonen. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'97), 670 - 677, Toulouse, France, September 1997.
- Sampling large databases for association rules. Hannu Toivonen. In 22th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB'96), 134 - 145, Mumbay, India, September 1996. Morgan Kaufmann.
- Fast discovery of association rules . Rakesh Agrawal, Heikki Mannila, Ramakrishnan Srikant, Hannu Toivonen, and A. Inkeri Verkamo. In Usama M. Fayyad, Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Padhraic Smyth, and Ramasamy Uthurusamy, editors, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 307 - 328. AAAI Press, 1996.
- Discovering generalized episodes using minimal occurrences. Heikki Mannila and Hannu Toivonen. In 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'96), 146 - 151, Portland, Oregon, August 1996. AAAI Press.
- BASS: Bayesian analyzer of event sequences. Elja Arjas, Heikki Mannila, Marko Salmenkivi, Riikka Suramo, and Hannu Toivonen. In Proceedings in Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT'96), 199 - 204, Barcelona, Spain, August 1996. Physica-Verlag.
- Multiple uses of frequent sets and condensed representations. Heikki Mannila and Hannu Toivonen. In 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'96), 189 - 194, Portland, Oregon, August 1996. AAAI Press.
- Knowledge discovery from telecommunication network alarm databases. Kimmo Hätönen, Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, Pirjo Ronkainen, and Hannu Toivonen. In 12th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'96), 115 - 122, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 1996. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- TASA: Telecommunications Alarm Sequence Analyzer, or "How to enjoy faults in your network". Kimmo Hätönen, Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, Pirjo Ronkainen, and Hannu Toivonen. In 1996 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'96), 520 - 529, Kyoto, Japan, April 1996. IEEE.
- Discovery of frequent patterns in large data collections. Hannu Toivonen. PhD Thesis, Report A-1996-5, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, November 1996. 116 pages. ISBN 951-45-7531-8.
- Discovering frequent episodes in sequences. Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen, and A. Inkeri Verkamo. In First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'95), 210 - 215, Montreal, Canada, August 1995. AAAI Press.
- A perspective on databases and data mining. Marcel Holsheimer, Martin Kersten, Heikki Mannila, and Hannu Toivonen. In First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'95), 150 - 155, Montreal, Canada, August 1995. AAAI Press.
- Pruning and grouping discovered association rules. Hannu Toivonen, Mika Klemettinen, Pirjo Ronkainen, Kimmo Hätönen, and Heikki Mannila. In ECML-95 Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 47 - 52, Heraklion, Greece, April 1995.
- Efficient algorithms for discovering association rules. Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen, and A. Inkeri Verkamo. In Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD'94), 181 - 192, Seattle, Washington, July 1994. AAAI Press.
- Finding interesting rules from large sets of discovered association rules. Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, Pirjo Ronkainen, Hannu Toivonen, A. Inkeri Verkamo. In Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'94), 401 - 407, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 1994. ACM Press.
- Q3E: Q3 emulator agent. Kari Rossi and Hannu Toivonen. In IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'94), 70 - 80, Kissimmee, Florida, February 1994. IEEE.