Aapo Hyvärinen



Arxiv: A noise-corrected Langevin algorithm and sampling by half-denoising

Front Mol BioSci: Towards Interpretable CryoEM: Disentangling Latent Spaces of Molecular Conformations

ICML2024: Causal Representation Learning Made Identifiable by Grouping of Observational Variables

AISTATS2024: Identifiable Feature Learning for Spatial Data with Nonlinear ICA

NeurIPS2023: Provable benefits of annealing for estimating normalizing constants

NeuroImage: Unsupervised representation learning of spontaneous MEG data with nonlinear ICA

Contact Information at University of Helsinki

Email: aapo.hyvarinenhelsinki.fi

Physical location:
Office room A345
Exactum Building
Pietari Kalmin katu 5
FIN-00560 Helsinki

Postal address:
P.O. Box 68
Dept of Computer Science
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki