We are in favour of proceeding CD14752 Protocol support for computational interactions, but have the following comments. 1. Clauses: 1 or 2.2 Recommendation: Specify why CORBA 2.1 is used. 2. Clauses: 1 Recommendation: Indicate the omission of QoS aspects in the similarr way as in clause 8.1. 3. Clauses: 4 Problem: Abbreviation for GIF is missing, GIP is not used. 4. Clauses: 3.3.9 vs. 8.1 Problem: Definition in 3.3.9 gives a different impression than the second sentence of clause 8.1. Repetition with slightly different wording rises confusion. 5. Clauses: 11.2.4 note 2 Problem: It is unclear what "server-relative" actually means. Do we talk about abstract service or concrete service providers.