Teaching Programme Fall 2009 |
NB! AVOID UNNECESSARY REGISTRATION. CANCEL YOUR REGISTRATION IF YOU CHANGE YOUR PLANS! - We at the department try to adapt the teaching to the needs of the students as much as possible. In order for us to succeed in this, it is important that the data in the registration system is the same as the actual situation. During recent years, empty registration has grown to such an extent that rational planning has become impossible. You may attempt only twice to complete a lecture course in the Basic or Intermediate Studies module by registering into an exercise group. It is counted as an attempt if you have not withdrawn your registration by the end of the deadline, specified separately for each course, usually by the end of the first week of exercises. The course lecturer may grant additional attempts on the basis of well-argued applications. Attempts that have been made before autumn 2002 will not be counted. There are no restrictions on taking separate exams. Please keep in mind that the place you have registered for "just in case" is taken away from some other student, who might really need it. That student may some day be You. General informationTeaching and exams are generally arranged at the department, in the Exactum building (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b) at the Kumpula campus. Some course exams may be given in other university facilities at Kumpula or downtown. RegistrationFor the first half-term and courses lasting the whole term
For the second half-term
The students from the school co-operation programme and students with separate study rights or in the upgrading programme are termed major subject students. In general, registration for lecture courses, seminars, exercise groups and final exams is done through the www-based registration system . For some courses, you register by e-mail or by filling in a form (this is mentioned in the course schedule below). There are more detailed instructions on how to use the registration system on the web at http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/opiskelu/ohjeet/ilmoittautuminen-en.html. Lecture coursesUnless other arrangements are mentioned below, you have to register for lecture courses during the first week of lectures, at the latest. Registrations for separate exams must be made on or before the Monday of the week before the exam. Please see http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/kokeet/ for a schedule of the final exams during Fall 2009. Course exams are directly connected with the course, and you do not have to register separately for them. Please see http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/kokeet/ for a schedule of the mid-term exams during Fall 2009. Please see the course descriptions for course contents and literature, as well as instructions for exams. When attending an exam, you must bring your student card or some other means of identification. Each examinee must write their name on a list that circulates during the exam. Please write your full name, personal number or student number, the name of the course and your signature on each exam paper, as well as paginating your papers Project groupsStudents who have not finished their work in an earlier team may not register for a new team, but have to register for the course's drop-out queue Registrations may be made until the first day the team meets. Registrations that have not been cancelled 48 hours before the first meeting are binding. A student who has made a binding registration but cannot finish the work on time, may not register directly for another team, but must register through the drop-out queue. The team is formed from the students who are present at the first team meeting (NB! For the Programming project and Database applications project, the first meeting is held after the first lecture, at 18-20). The students who have registered for the actual team and its queue have priority. If there are still places left in the team, students from the drop-out queue who are present at the meeting, can join the team in the order that they have registered for the drop-out queue. This means that the students must be present from the start of the first meeting, otherwise they will lose their places in their team. A team may be cancelled if it is too small. We will try to place students whose team has been cancelled into other teams. |
Information and Communication Technology Studies |
581324 Introduction to the Use of Computers (1 - 2 cr) |
Part-time teacher Samuli Kaipiainen
02.09. WED 12-14 B123, 09.09.-18.09. WED, FRI 12-14 A111
Exercise groups: 02.09.- 25.09. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Ari Meriläinen, Part-time teacher Kukka-Maaria Välinen | 02.09.-23.09. WED 14-16 B121 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Kukka-Maaria Välinen, Part-time teacher David Consuegra | 02.09. WED 16-18 B121, 09.09.-23.09. WED 16-18 B221 | |
3. | Part-time teacher David Consuegra, Part-time teacher Eero Pailinna | 04.09. FRI 10-12 B221, 10.09.-24.09. THU 10-12 B121 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Eero Pailinna, Part-time teacher Samuli Kaipiainen | 04.09. FRI 12-14 B121, 10.09.-24.09. THU 12-14 B221 in English | |
5. | Part-time teacher Mika Stenberg | 04.09.-25.09. FRI 8-10 B221 | |
6. | Part-time teacher David Consuegra, Part-time teacher Ari Meriläinen | 04.09. FRI 14-16 B121, 11.09.-25.09. FRI 14-16 B221 | |
582514 ICT Driving License (3 cr) |
Part-time teacher Samuli Kaipiainen
Other Studies |
582507 Personal Study Plan and Participating in Teacher Tutoring (2 cr) |
Aman. Teija Kujala
09.09. WED 16-18 B123
Syksyllä 2009 ja keväällä 2010 aloittaville pääaineopiskelijoille. Opintojakso jatkuu koko kandidaatintutkinnon ajan. Jos sinulla on jo opettajatuutori, älä turhaan ilmoittaudu kurssille uudelleen; ota yhteys opettajatuutoriisi tai vuosikurssin vastuuhenkilöön. Valitse listasta opiskelijatuutoriparisi; pyrimme oletuksena pitämään ryhmät yhdessä myös opettajatuutoroinnissa. |
582513 Studying Techniques (2 cr) |
Taina Kaivola
Suoritetaan Johdatus tietojenkäsittelytieteeseen -kurssin yhteydessä. |
Exercise groups: - | |||
1. | Lecturer Heikki Lokki | ||
2. | Part-time teacher Ari Meriläinen | ||
3. | Part-time teacher Anni Rytkönen | ||
4. | Part-time teacher Kukka-Maaria Välinen | ||
5. | Part-time teacher Mika Stenberg | ||
Basic Studies |
582102 Introduction to Computer Science (4 cr) |
Lecturer Heikki Lokki
23.09.-14.10. WED 12-14 A111, 04.11.-09.12. WED 12-14 A111
Kurssilla suoritetaan perusopintojen pakollinen opintojakso 582102 Johdatus tietojenkäsittelytieteeseen (4 cr) sekä muiden opintojen pakollinen opintojakso 582513 Opiskelutekniikka (2 cr) ja pakollisen vieraan kielen (englanti) opinnot (4 cr). |
Exercise groups: 28.09.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Ari Meriläinen | 28.09.-16.10. WED 14-16 DK118, 02.11.-11.12. WED 14-16 CK111 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Kukka-Maaria Välinen | 28.09.-16.10. WED 16-18 CK111, 02.11.-11.12. WED 16-18 CK111 | |
3. | Lecturer Heikki Lokki | 28.09.-16.10. THU 12-14 B222, 02.11.-11.12. THU 12-14 BK106 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Anni Rytkönen | 28.09.-16.10. THU 17-19 CK111, 02.11.-11.12. THU 17-19 CK111 | |
5. | Part-time teacher Mika Stenberg | 28.09.-16.10. FRI 8-10 B119, 02.11.-11.12. FRI 8-10 B119 | |
582102 Introduction to Computer Science (self tuition) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Heikki Lokki
Itseopiskelukurssi - Self Study Course Suoritusoikeus erillisellä hakemuksella kurssin vastuuhenkilöltä. |
581325 Introduction to Programming (5 cr) |
Lecturer Arto Wikla
07.09. MON 10-12 B123, 10.09. THU 14-17 A111, 14.09.-15.10. MON 12-14, THU 14-17 A111
Luento 7.9. Auditoriossa B123! Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. Non finnish students, contact the lecturer Arto Wikla (wikla@cs.helsinki.fi) and Henning Lübbers (lubbers@cs.helsinki.fi) before hand. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Juhana Laurinharju | 07.09.-16.10. TUE 10-12 B222 Ryhmän kokoontumisaika on siirtynyt | |
2. | Part-time teacher Aki Reijonen | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 B119 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Taru Itäpelto-Hu | 07.09.-16.10. WED 14-16 B119 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Juhana Laurinharju | 07.09.-16.10. THU 10-12 B119 | |
5. | Part-time teacher Aki Reijonen | 07.09.-16.10. THU 12-14 B119 | |
6. | Part-time teacher Ari Meriläinen | 07.09.-16.10. FRI 10-12 B119 | |
7. | Part-time teacher Taru Itäpelto-Hu | 07.09.-16.10. FRI 14-16 B119 | |
582103 Advanced Course in Programming (4 cr) |
Lecturer Arto Wikla
02.11.-10.12. MON 12-14, THU 14-16 A111
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Juhana Laurinharju | 02.11.-11.12. TUE 10-12 B119 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Aki Reijonen | 02.11.-11.12. WED 12-14 B119 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Taru Itäpelto-Hu | 02.11.-11.12. WED 14-16 B119 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Juhana Laurinharju | 02.11.-11.12. THU 10-12 B119 | |
5. | Part-time teacher Aki Reijonen | 02.11.-11.12. THU 12-14 B119 | |
6. | Part-time teacher Taru Itäpelto-Hu | 02.11.-11.12. FRI 14-16 B119 | |
582104 Software Modelling (4 cr) |
Lecturer Matti Luukkainen
03.11.-11.12. TUE 10-12, FRI 12-14 A111
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 02.11.-11.12. THU 10-12 CK111 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 02.11.-11.12. THU 12-14 CK111 | |
3. | University Teacher Matti Luukkainen | 02.11.-11.12. THU 14-16 CK111 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Tia Määttänen | 02.11.-11.12. FRI 10-12 B119 | |
5. | Part-time teacher Tia Määttänen | 02.11.-11.12. FRI 14-16 BK106 | |
581328 Introduction to Databases (self tuition) (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Pirjo Moen
08.09. TUE 12-14 CK112
Kurssi toteutetaan itseopiskelukurssina ja luentoja on vain yksi aloitusluento. Huom! Aloitusluennon sali vaihtunut. |
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Mikko Leino | 14.09.-16.10. TUE 14-16 B119 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Mikko Leino | 14.09.-16.10. TUE 16-18 B119 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 14.09.-16.10. WED 10-12 CK111 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 14.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 CK111 in English if needed | |
58160 Programming Project (period I) (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen
07.09. MON 10-11 D122, MON 11-12 B221, 28.09. MON 10-11 D122, MON 11-12 B221
Exercise groups: 08.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Mika Holmström | 08.09.-13.10. TUE 12-16 A218 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Jesse Lankila | 11.09.-16.10. FRI 10-14 A318 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 11.09.-16.10. FRI 10-14 A219 in English | |
58160 Programming Project (period II) (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen
02.11. MON 10-11 D122, MON 11-12 B221, 23.11. MON 10-11 D122, MON 11-12 B221
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. |
Exercise groups: 03.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Mika Holmström | 03.11.-08.12. TUE 12-16 A218 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Jesse Lankila | 04.11.-09.12. WED 10-14 A318 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 06.11.-11.12. FRI 14-18 A218 in English | |
Intermediate Studies |
582216 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen
10.09.-16.10. THU 10-12, FRI 12-14 CK112
582204 BSc Thesis (Scientific Writing) (10 cr) |
Prof. Seppo Sippu
07.09. MON 10-12 CK112, 14.09.-12.10. MON 12-14 CK112
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 11.12. | |||
1. | University Lecturer Juha Kärkkäinen | 07.09.-11.12. THU 12-14 A219 | |
2. | Pauli Miettinen | 07.09.-11.12. THU 12-16 A318 | |
3. | University Lecturer Timo Jokela | 07.09.-11.12. WED 14-17 A319 | |
4. | University Teacher Timo Karvi | 08.09. TUE 10-12 A218, 14.09.-07.12. MON 10-12 A218 | |
5. | University Teacher Päivi Kuuppelomäki | 08.09. TUE 14-16 A219 | |
6. | University Lecturer Pirjo Moen | 08.09. TUE 14-16 A318 | |
7. | Lecturer Arto Wikla | 07.09.-11.12. WED 12-16 C220 | |
8. | PhD Student Pietu Pohjalainen | 10.09. THU 12-14 A319, 17.09.-10.12. THU 12-15 A319 | |
9. | Ass. Mika Karlstedt | 10.09. THU 10-12 A219 | |
582206 Models of Computation (6 cr) |
University Lecturer Juha Kärkkäinen
08.09.-13.10. TUE 14-16 A111, 03.11.-08.12. TUE 14-16 A111
Non finnish students, contact the lecturer Juha Kärkkäinen before hand. Esitietokoe perjantaina 4.9. klo 9-12 CK112. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Antti Laaksonen | 07.09.-16.10. TUE 16-18 B222, 02.11.-11.12. TUE 16-18 B222 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Topi Musto | 07.09.-16.10. WED 10-12 B222, 02.11.-11.12. WED 10-12 B222 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Topi Musto | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 BK106, 02.11.-11.12. WED 12-14 BK106 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Antti Laaksonen | 07.09.-16.10. FRI 14-16 CK111, 02.11.-11.12. FRI 14-16 CK111 | |
581305 Computer Organization I (self tuition) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Teemu Kerola 02.11. MON 14-16 CK112
Itseopiskelu- ja monimuotokurssi sisältäen verkkoluentoja sekä valinnaisissa opintopiireissä tehtäviä verkkotehtäviä, harjoitustehtäviä ja projekteja. Kurssilla ei ole lainkaan tavallisia luentoja. Kaikki kurssimateriaali sopii itseopiskeluun, joten kurssin voi aloittaa milloin tahansa. Aloitusluento on verkossa. Toisen periodin aikana (2.11.-11.12.2009) itseopiskelun tukena on ohjattuja harjoituksia. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher David Consuegra | 02.11.-11.12. WED 14-16 D122 | |
2. | Lecturer Teemu Kerola | 02.11.-11.12. THU 14-16 DK116 | |
581332 Concurrent Programming (4 cr) |
Lecturer Teemu Kerola
02.11.-10.12. MON 12-14 B123, THU 12-14 A111
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Esitietokoe maanantaina 26.10. klo 9-12 CK112. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 02.11.-11.12. WED 10-12 CK111 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 02.11.-11.12. THU 10-12 BK107 | |
3. | University Teacher Päivi Kuuppelomäki | 02.11.-11.12. THU 14-16 BK107 | |
4. | University Teacher Päivi Kuuppelomäki | 02.11.-11.12. FRI 10-12 BK106 | |
581260 Software Engineering Project (9 cr) |
University Teacher Matti Luukkainen, University Lecturer Juha Taina
Exercise groups: - | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Marko Lehtimäki | ||
2. | Part-time teacher Jari Suominen | ||
3. | Lecturer Matti Luukkainen | ||
4. | Part-time teacher Eero Pailinna | ||
5. | Part-time teacher Tia Määttänen | ||
58161 Data Structures Project (period I) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Otto Nurmi
Non finnish students contact Henning Lübbers (lubbers@cs.helsinki.fi) and Otto Nurmi (nurmi@cs.helsinki.fi). |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Tomi Jylhä-Ollila | 07.09.-15.10. MON 14-17, THU 10-13 A218 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Mika Timonen | 08.09.-14.10. TUE, WED 16-19 A318 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 11.09.-16.10. FRI 10-14 A219 for non finnish students only | |
58161 Data Structures Project (period II) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Otto Nurmi
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Non finnish students contact Henning Lübbers (lubbers@cs.helsinki.fi) and Otto Nurmi (nurmi@cs.helsinki.fi). |
Exercise groups: 03.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Mika Timonen | 03.11.-09.12. TUE, WED 16-19 A318 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Tomi Jylhä-Ollila | 04.11.-11.12. WED, FRI 12-15 A219 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 06.11.-11.12. FRI 14-18 A218 for non finnish students only | |
582203 Database Application (period I) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Harri Laine
08.09. TUE 16-18 D122
Non finnish students contact Henning Lübbers (lubbers@cs.helsinki.fi) and Harri Laine (laine@cs.helsinki.fi). |
Exercise groups: 09.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Martin Pärtel | 09.09.-14.10. WED 12-16 A218 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Olli Jokinen | 11.09.-16.10. FRI 10-14 A218 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 11.09.-16.10. FRI 10-14 A219 for non finnish students only | |
582203 Database Application (period II) (4 cr) |
Lecturer Harri Laine
02.11. MON 16-18 D122
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Non finnish students contact Henning Lübbers (lubbers@cs.helsinki.fi) and Harri Laine (laine@cs.helsinki.fi). |
Exercise groups: 04.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Martin Pärtel | 04.11.-09.12. WED 10-14 A218 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Melissa Kasari | 04.11.-09.12. WED 14-18 A218 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Olli Jokinen | 06.11.-11.12. FRI 10-14 A218 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Henning Lübbers | 06.11.-11.12. FRI 14-18 A218 for non finnish students only | |
Intermediate Studies / Optional Courses |
58127 Programming in C (4 cr) |
University Teacher Päivi Kuuppelomäki
08.09.-16.10. TUE 10-12 CK112
Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | University Teacher Päivi Kuuppelomäki | 07.09.-16.10. MON 12-15 CK111 in English (exercise session and lectures) | |
2. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 BK107 (laskuharjoitus) | |
3. | Part-time teacher Tomi Jylhä-Ollila | 07.09.-16.10. THU 16-18 B119 (laskuharjoitus) | |
4. | Part-time teacher Tomi Jylhä-Ollila | 07.09.-16.10. WED 10-12 B221 (ohjausaika) | |
5. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 07.09.-16.10. THU 10-12 B221 (ohjausaika) | |
582331 Agile Web Development and Ruby on Rails (4 cr) |
Lecturer Juha Vihavainen, Part-time teacher Matti Paksula
04.11.-11.12. WED 14-16, FRI 10-12 CK112
Kurssille ilmoittautuminen alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Matti Paksula | 02.11.-11.12. TUE 10-12 B221 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Matti Paksula | 02.11.-11.12. TUE 12-14 B221 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Petrus Repo | 02.11.-11.12. THU 10-12 B221 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Olli Jokinen | 02.11.-11.12. FRI 14-16 B221 | |
582329 AI for Games (3 cr) |
University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen, Pieter Spronck
31.08. MON 10-18 C222, 01.09. TUE 10-18 C222, 02.09. WED 10-18 C222, 03.09. THU 10-18 C222, 04.09. FRI 10-18 C222
582325 Introduction to Game Programming (4 cr) |
Lecturer Juha Vihavainen
09.09.-16.09. WED 14-16 B123, 09.09.-16.10. FRI 12-14 D122, 23.09.-14.10. WED
14-16 CK112
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Paula Kuosmanen | 14.09.-16.10. TUE 12-14 BK106 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Paula Kuosmanen | 14.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 D122 | |
582332 Programming in Python (4 cr) |
Jarkko Toivonen
08.09.-15.10. TUE 12-14, THU 10-12 B123, 24.09. THU 10-12 C222
Lectures are held in Auditorium B123 except 24th of September in C222. |
Exercise sessions: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Lauri Alanko | 08.09. TUE 14-16 B221, 14.09.-16.10. MON 12-14 B119 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Lauri Alanko | 08.09. TUE 16-18 B221, 14.09.-16.10. MON 14-16 B119 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Markus Heinonen | 07.09. MON 14-16 B221, 14.09.-16.10. MON 14-16 DK117 This group is reserved only for MBI students! | |
4. | Part-time teacher Markus Heinonen | 10.09. THU 16-18 B221, 14.09.-16.10. THU 16-18 B222 | |
5. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 08.09. TUE 18-20 B221, 14.09.-16.10. TUE 18-20 B119 | |
6. | Part-time teacher Harri Hämäläinen | 11.09. FRI 12-14 B221, 14.09.-16.10. FRI 12-14 B119 | |
7. | Part-time teacher Lauri Alanko | 10.09. THU 14-16 B121, 14.09.-16.10. THU 14-16 CK111 | |
582334 TDD Programming Technique and Designing Code (5 cr) |
Part-time teacher Esko Luontola
08.09.-15.10. TUE, THU 16-18 CK112
Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Esko Luontola | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 B221 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Esko Luontola | 07.09.-16.10. WED 14-16 B221 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Matti Paksula | 07.09.-16.10. THU 14-16 B221 | |
582482 Database Design (4 cr) |
Prof. Seppo Sippu
09.09.-15.10. WED, THU 14-16 C222
Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | University Lecturer Pirjo Moen | 07.09.-16.10. WED 10-12 C222 | |
2. | University Lecturer Pirjo Moen | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 C222 | |
582335 Version Control (1 cr) |
Part-time teacher Matti Paksula
10.09.-17.09. THU 12-14 A111
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 25.09. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Esko Luontola | 14.09.-25.09. MON 12-14 B221 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Esko Luontola | 14.09.-25.09. MON 14-16 B221 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Matti Paksula | 14.09.-25.09. TUE 10-12 B221 | |
4. | Part-time teacher Matti Paksula | 14.09.-25.09. FRI 10-12 B221 | |
582304 The metalanguage XML (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Miro Lehtonen
09.09.-16.10. WED, FRI 10-12 B123
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | University Lecturer Miro Lehtonen | 14.09.-16.10. TUE 10-12 B119 | |
2. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 14.09.-16.10. WED 14-16 BK106 | |
3. | Part-time teacher Arto Vihavainen | 14.09.-16.10. FRI 14-16 C222 | |
582333 Innovation Project / Start-up (3 cr) |
University Lecturer Jaakko Kurhila, Part-time teacher Samuli Kaipiainen, Part-time teacher Matti Paksula
03.11.-08.12. TUE 12-14 CK112
Advanced Studies |
582630 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (4 cr) |
Lecturer Otto Nurmi
09.09.-15.10. WED, THU 14-16 B222
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Jouni Siren | 14.09.-16.10. WED 16-18 B119 | |
582631 Introduction to Machine Learning (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Hannes Wettig
04.11.-11.12. WED, FRI 12-14 C222
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. |
Exercise sessions: - | |||
1. | Matti Vuorinen | 09.11.-11.12. TUE 12-14 BK107 | |
582632 Discrete Optimization (4 cr) |
Lecturer Otto Nurmi
04.11.-10.12. WED, THU 14-16 B222
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. |
Exercise groups: 09.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Panu Luosto | 09.11.-11.12. FRI 14-16 C222 | |
582649 Complex Networks and Data Mining (4 cr) |
Dino Pedreschi
Kurssi on peruuntunut! |
582655 Formal Type Theory (4 cr) |
Part-time teacher Lauri Alanko
03.11.-10.12. TUE, THU 12-14 B222
Exercise groups: 09.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Joel Kaasinen | 09.11.-11.12. THU 14-16 BK106 | |
582650 Information-Theoretic Modeling (4 cr) |
Teemu Roos
08.09.-16.10. TUE, FRI 10-12 C222
Exercise sessions: 15.09.- 13.10. | |||
1. | Anupam Arohi | 15.09.-13.10. TUE 12-14 B119 | |
582651 Project in Information-Theoretic Modeling (2 cr) |
Teemu Roos
03.11.-08.12. TUE 10-12 C222
Exercise sessions: 03.11.- 08.12. | |||
1. | Anupam Arohi | 03.11.-08.12. TUE 12-14 B119 | |
582417 Distributed Systems (4 cr) |
Prof. Jussi Kangasharju
03.11.-10.12. TUE, THU 10-12 D122
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. Toinen harjoitusryhmistä tulee olemaan englanninkielinen. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | PhD Student Mikko Pervilä | 02.11.-11.12. TUE 14-16 B119 | |
2. | PhD Student Mikko Pervilä | 02.11.-11.12. TUE 16-18 B119 | |
582640 Operating Systems (4 cr) |
Aman. Tiina Niklander
08.09. TUE 14-16 B222, 10.09. THU 10-12 B222, 14.09.-15.10. MON 14-16, THU 10-12 B222
In addition, a summary lecture on Fri 14-16 C220 (if needed). Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Paula Kuosmanen | 07.09.-16.10. TUE 16-18 C222 | |
2. | Aman. Tiina Niklander | 07.09.-16.10. FRI 12-16 C220 in English (exercise session 12-14 and lectures 14-16) | |
582498 Internet Protocols (4 cr) |
Lecturer Markku Kojo
08.09.-14.10. TUE 12-14, WED 14-16 D122
In addition, a summary lecture on Thu 12-14 C222 (if needed). Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. Luento 16.9. on auditoriossa CK112. |
Exercise groups: 07.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Laila Daniel | 07.09.-16.10. WED 12-14 A318 in English | |
2. | Ass. Mika Karlstedt | 07.09.-16.10. THU 14-16 B119 | |
3. | 07.09.-16.10. THU 12-14 C222 (summary lecture) | ||
581366 An Introduction to Specification and Verification (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Timo Karvi
02.11.-09.12. MON 12-14, WED 10-12 C222
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. |
Exercise groups: 02.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Part-time teacher Harri Forsgren | 02.11.-11.12. WED 12-14 CK111 | |
581358 Software Architectures (8 cr) |
Lecturer Harri Laine
08.09.-15.10. TUE, THU 10-12 D122
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Lecturer Harri Laine | 14.09.-16.10. THU 8-10 C222 | |
2. | University Teacher Juha Gustafsson | 14.09.-16.10. THU 12-14 CK111 | |
582470 Experimentation in Software Engineering (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Juha Taina
04.11.-10.12. WED 10-12, THU 12-14 D122
Exercise groups: 09.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | University Lecturer Juha Taina | 09.11.-11.12. THU 14-16 D122 | |
582656 Usability Design (4 cr) |
University Lecturer Timo Jokela
04.11.-11.12. WED, FRI 12-14 D122
581360 Software Project Management and Group Dynamics (5 cr) |
Marko Ikonen
03.11.-10.12. TUE 12-14, THU 10-12 C222
Huom! Kurssi on siirtynyt periodilta I periodille II. Harjoitusryhmien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan mahdollisimman nopeasti. |
Exercise groups: 09.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | |||
2. | |||
582652 Designing and Implementing Service-Oriented Business Processes (4 cr) |
Juha Puustjärvi
08.09.-14.10. TUE, WED 12-14 B222
Exercise groups: 14.09.- 16.10. | |||
1. | Juha Puustjärvi | 14.09.-16.10. TUE 14-16 CK111 | |
2. | Juha Puustjärvi | 14.09.-16.10. WED 14-16 CK111 | |
582490 Transaction Processing (4 cr) |
Prof. Seppo Sippu
04.11.-10.12. WED, THU 14-16 C222
Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 13.10. klo 9.00. |
Exercise groups: 09.11.- 11.12. | |||
1. | Prof. Seppo Sippu | 09.11.-11.12. THU 12-14 C222 | |
582606 Introduction to Bioinformatics (4 cr) |
Sirkka-Liisa Varvio
08.09.-15.10. TUE, THU 14-16 D122
Exercise sessions: 17.09.- 15.10. | |||
1. | Laura Langohr | 17.09.-15.10. THU 12-14 BK106 | |
2. | Laura Langohr | 17.09.-15.10. THU 16-18 BK106 | |
582653 Computational Methods of Systems Biology (4 cr) |
Prof. Esko Ukkonen
03.11.-10.12. TUE, THU 10-12 B222
Exercise sessions: 12.11.- 10.12. | |||
1. | 12.11.-10.12. THU 14-16 B119 | ||
Seminaarit |
58307301 Seminaari: Hajautetut algoritmit (3 cr) |
Jukka Suomela
10.09.-15.10. THU 12-14 C220, 05.11.-10.12. THU 12-14 C220
58309303 Seminaari: Malliperustainen ohjelmistotuotanto (3 cr) |
Ass. Toni Ruokolainen
08.09.-13.10. TUE 10-12 C220, 03.11.-08.12. TUE 10-12 C220
58309302 Seminar: Advanced eBusiness Transactions for B2B-Collaborations (3 cr) |
Prof. Lea Kutvonen, Alexander Norta
22.09.-13.10. TUE 14-16 C222, 03.11.-08.12. TUE 14-16 C222
58309301 Seminar: Hot Topics in IETF (3 cr) |
Prof. Jussi Kangasharju
10.09.-22.10. THU 14-16 C220, 05.11.-10.12. THU 14-16 C220
58309307 Seminaari: Ohjelmistojen testaus (3 cr) |
Prof. Jukka Paakki
08.09.-13.10. TUE 14-16 C220, 03.11.-08.12. TUE 14-16 C220
58309308 Seminaari: Suurten ohjelmisto-intensiivisten järjestelmien ketterä kehittäminen (3 cr) |
Prof. Pekka Abrahamsson
09.09. WED 10-12 C220
58309306 Seminaari: Tietokantojen suorituskykyoptimointi (3 cr) |
Jan Lindström
15.09.-13.10. TUE 8-10 C220, 03.11.-08.12. TUE 8-10 C220
Huom! Seminaarin ensimmäinen kokoontuminen on 15.9. |
58309305 Seminar: Software Business (3 cr) |
Nilay Oza
07.09.-12.10. MON 14-16 C220, 02.11.-07.12. MON 14-16 C220
58307312 Master's thesis seminar (MBI) (3 cr) |
14.09. MON 16-17 C220, 12.10. MON 16-17 C220, 16.11. MON 16-17 C220, 14.12. MON 16-17 C220
Post Graduate Studies |
582710 PhD Student Seminar (1 cr) |
Prof. Jussi Kangasharju, Prof. Hannu Toivonen
18.09. FRI 12-16 B222, 13.11. FRI 12-16 B222