University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Department information


- We at the department try to adapt the teaching to the needs of the students as much as possible. In order to succeed in this, it is important that the data in the registration system is the same as the actual situation. During recent years, empty registration has grown to such an extent that rational planning has become impossible. Beginning in Autumn 2002, you may not attempt more than twice to complete a lecture course at the Cum Laude Approbatur level by registering into an exercise group. It is counted as an attempt if you have not withdrawn your registration by the end of the deadline, specified separately for each course, usually by the end of the first week of exercises. The course lecturer may grant additional attempts on the basis of well-argued applications. Attempts that have been made before Autumn 2002 will not be counted. There are no restrictions on taking separate exams. Please keep in mind that the place you have registered for "just in case" is taken away from some other student, who might really need it. That student may some day be You.

General information

Please see the Computer Science Department study guide for information on degree requirements and instructions on how to study.

Teaching and exams are generally arranged at the department (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b). Some course exams may be arranged in other university facilities in Kumpula or downtown.

Student counselling (B439)


  • Lecturer Arto Wikla, Tue, Fri 12-14 (A232)
  • University Lecturer Pirjo Moen, Mon, Wed 12-14 (A232)
  • Lecturer Otto Nurmi, Mon 11-12 and Fri 14-15 (A232)
  • Sr Assistant Liisa Marttinen, Wed 10-12 and Thu 12-14 (A232)
  • Swedish-speakers: Lecturer Anni Rytkönen by appointment.
  • Foreign students: Lecturer Arto Wikla
Changes in the office hours of student counsellors will appear on the oage (in Finnish).


  • For the first half-term and for courses that last the whole term
    • For majoring students REGISTRATION STARTS ON THURSDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2004 at 9.00
    • For minoring students REGISTRATION STARTS ON FRIDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2004 at 9.00
  • For the second half-term
    • For majoring students registration for the SECOND HALF-TERM starts on TUESDAY 5 October 2004 at 9.00.
    • For minoring students registration for the SECOND HALF-TERM starts on WEDNESDAY 6 October 2004 at 9.00.

The later registration time is mentioned in the course schedule below.

The students from the school co-operation programme and students with separate study rights or in the upgrading programme are termed major subject students.

In general, registration for lecture courses, seminars, exercise groups and final exams is done through the www-based registration system.

For some courses, you register by e-mail or by filling in a form (this is mentioned in the course schedule below). There are more detailed instructions on how to use the registration system on the web at

Lecture courses

Unless other arrangements are mentioned below, you have to register for lecture courses during the first week of lectures, at the latest.

Registrations for separate exams must be made on or before the Monday of the week before the exam. Please see for a schedule of the final exams during Autumn 2004.

Course exams are directly connected with the course, and you do not have to register separately for them. Please see for a schedule of the mid-term exams during Autumn 2004.

Please see the course descriptions at for course contents and literature, as well as instructions for exams.

When attending an exam, you must bring your student card or some other means of identification. Each examinee must write their name on a list that circulates during the exam. Please write your name, personal number, the name of the course and your signature on each exam paper, as well as paginating your papers.

Project work

Students who have not finished their work in an earlier team may not register for a new team, but have to register for the course's drop-out queue. Registrations may be made until the first day the team meets.

Registrations that have not been cancelled 48 hours before the first meeting are binding. A student who has made a binding registration but cannot finish the work on time, may not register directly for another team, but must register through the drop-out queue.

The team is formed from the students who are present at the first team meeting (NB! For the Programming project and Database applications project, the first meeting is held after the first lecture, at 18-20). The students who have registered for the actual team and its queue have priority. If there are still places left in the team, students from the drop-out queue, who are present at the meeting, can join the team in the order that they have registered for the drop-out queue. Hence, the students must be present from the start of the first meeting, otherwise he or she will lose the place in the team.

A team may be cancelled if it is too small. We will try to place students whose team has been cancelled into other teams.

Teaching programme, Autumn term 2004

All courses are taught in Finnish, unless marked In English.

Other studies


581256-5 Opettajatuutorointi (Teacher tutoring) (1 cu)

Lectures: PhD Asst Päivi Kuuppelomäki 13 SEPT MON 16-18 B123, 1 NOV MON 18-20 A111


581355-1 Tietojenkäsittelytieteen esittely (Introduction to computer science) (1 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Tiina Niklander 13 SEPT - 20 OCT MON 12-14, WED 16-18 A111

Exercise groups: -
1. Amanuensis Marja Huovinen  

Cum laude approbatur


581324-7 Tietokone työvälineenä (Introduction to the use of computers) (2 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Anni Rytkönen 3 SEPT FRI 12-14 A111, 6 SEPT MON 12-15 A111, 7 SEPT TUE 12-15 A111, 8 SEPT WED 12-15 A111, 9 SEPT THU 12-15 A111

This course is for majoring students.. Please see the skill levels on the course page (in Finnish).

Exercise groups: 6 SEPT - 10 SEPT
1.   Basic group at 9-12
2.   Basic group at 15-18
3.   Rapid group at 15-17
4.   No exercises group
5. Teacher Ismo Puustinen  
6. Teacher Ahti Syreeni  
7. Teacher Juho Iso-Markku  
8. Teacher Miikka Junnila  
9. Teacher Jouni Kuisma  
10. Teacher Veli-Matti Kujala  

581390-4 Tietokone työvälineenä (Introduction to the use of computers, for minoring students) (2 ov)

Lectures: Dept. co-ordinator Juhani Haavisto 17 SEPT - 20 OCT WED 12-14 A111, 17 SEPT FRI 9-10 A111, 24 SEPT - 20 OCT FRI 12-14 A111

For skill levels please see the course homepage (in Finnish). More groups may be available according to need. NB! First lecture on Fri 17 Sept at 9:15-10:00.

Exercise groups: 27 Sept - 29 Oct
1. Teacher Kirsi Jokisalo, Teacher Ismo Puustinen 27 Sept - 29 Oct MON 9-12 B221   Basic group
2. Teacher Veli-Matti Kujala, Teacher Ismo Puustinen 27 Sept - 29 Oct MON 14-17 B221   Basic group
3. Teacher Kirsi Jokisalo, Teacher Veli-Matti Kujala 27 Sept - 29 Oct TUE 10-12 B221   Rapid group
4. Teacher Teemu Sjöblom, Teacher Arttu Valo 27 Sept - 29 Oct WED 14-16 BK107   Rapid group
5. Dept. co-ordinator Juhani Haavisto, Teacher Teemu Sjöblom 27 Sept - 29 Oct FRI 10-12 BK107   Rapid group (In English, if needed)
6. Teacher Teemu Sjöblom, Teacher Arttu Valo 27 Sept - 29 Oct FRI 14-17 B221   Basic group
7.   No exercises group

581328-9 Tietokantojen perusteet (Introduction to databases) (2 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Harri Laine 14 SEPT - 19 OCT TUE 14-16 A111

NB! Course exercise groups for study circles. Exercises compulsory for those attending study circles. Please see course webpages for more information!

Exercise groups: 20 Sept - 29 Oct
1. Teacher Juho Teuho 20 SEPT - 29 OCT MON 10-12 CK111  
2. Teacher Juho Teuho 20 SEPT - 29 OCT MON 12-14 CK111  
3. Teacher Mirva Salminen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT MON 16-18 CK107  
4. Teacher Mirva Salminen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 10-12 DK118  
5. Teacher Olli Alm 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 12-14 C221  
6. Teacher Olli Alm 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 10-12 C221  

581327-6 Johdatus sovellussuunnitteluun (Introduction to application design) (2 cu)

Lectures: Asst Antti Viljamaa 25 OCT - 29 NOV MON 12-14 A111

The course is for majoring students. Registration starts 5 Oct!

Exercise groups: 1 Nov - 10 Dec
1. Teacher Juho Teuho 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON, THU 10-12 BK106  
2. Teacher Olaf Laczak 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 14-16, WED 16-18 C220  
3. Teacher Juho Teuho 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 14-16, THU 12-14 BK106   (In English, if needed)
4. Teacher Jari Suominen 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 16-18, FRI 10-12 BK106  
5. Teacher Jari Suominen 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE, FRI 12-14 BK106  
6. Teacher Joni Salmi 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 14-16, FRI 10-12 DK118  
7. Teacher Olaf Laczak 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE, THU 14-16 C220  
8. Teacher Joni Salmi 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 16-18, FRI 12-14 DK118  
9. Teacher Joni Salmi 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 18-20, FRI 8-10 DK118  

581325-0 Ohjelmoinnin perusteet (Introduction to programming) (3 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Arto Wikla 13 SEPT - 28 OCT MON, THU 14-16 A111

The course is for majoring students.

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 5 NOV
1. Teacher Olli Lahti 20 SEPT -5 NOV MON 16-18 DK117  
2. Teacher Vesa Vainio 20 SEPT - 5 NOV TUE 14-16 DK117   (In English, if needed)
3. teacher Vesa Vainio 20 SEPT - 5 NOV TUE 16-18 C221  
4. Teacher Jaakko Nenonen 20 SEPT - 5 NOV WED 10-12 DK116  
5. Teacher Jaakko Nurro 20 SEPT - 5NOV WED 12-14 DK117  
6. Teacher Olli Lahti 20 SEPT - 5 NOV THU 12-14 DK118  
7. Teacher Joni Salmi 20 SEPT - 5 NOV THU 16-18 DK116  
8. Teacher Joni Salmi 20 SEPT - 5 NOV THU 18-20 DK116  
9. Teacher Jaakko Nurro 20 SEPT - 5 NOV FRI 12-14 DK117  
10. Teacher Jaakko Nenonen 20 SEPT - 5 NOV FRI 14-16 DK117  

581326-3 Java-ohjelmointi (Programming in Java) (2 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Arto Wikla 1 NOV - 9 DEC MON, THU 14-16 A111

The course is for majoring students. Registration starts on 5 Oct!

Exercise groups: 8 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Olli Lahti 8 NOV - 3 DEC MON 16-18 DK117, 7 DEC TUE 16-18 DK117  
2. Teacher Vesa Vainio 8 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 14-16 DK117   (In English, if needed)
3. Teacher Vesa Vainio 8 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 16-18 C222  
4. Teacher Jaakko Nenonen 8 NOV - 10 DEC WED 10-12 CK107  
5. Teacher Olli Jokinen 8 NOV - 10 DEC WED 12-14 CK111  
6. Teacher Olli Lahti 8 NOV - 10 DEC THU 12-14 DK118  
7. Teacher Joni Salmi 8 NOV - 10 DEC THU 16-18 DK116  
8. Teacher Joni Salmi 8 NOV - 10 DEC THU 18-20 DK116  
9. Teacher Olli Jokinen 8 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 12-14 DK117  
10. Teacher Jaakko Nenonen 8 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 14-16 CK107  

581305-6 Tietokoneen toiminta (Computer organization I) (2 cu)

Lectures: PhD Asst Päivi Kuuppelomäki 27 OCT - 3 DEC WED, FRI 12-14 A111

Registration starts on 5 Oct!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Kimmo Airamaa 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 14-16 B119  
2. PhD Asst Päivi Kuuppelomäki 1 NOV - 10 DEC WED 14-16 CK107  
3. Teacher Pauli Miettinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC. WED 16-18 DK117  
4. Teacher Kimmo Airamaa 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 14-16 B119  
5. Teacher Pauli Miettinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 CK107  

581330-2 Ohjelmoinnin ja laskennan perusmallit (Basic models for programming and computation) (2 cu)

Lectures: Matti Kääriäinen 14 SEPT - 20 OCT TUE, THU 12-14 B123

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Teacher Harri Mansikka 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 10-12 C221  
2. Teacher Olaf Laczak 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 14-16 CK111  
3. Teacher Mikko Rauhala 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 16-18 DK117  
4. Teacher Harri Mansikka 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 10-12 DK117  
5. Teacher Olaf Laczak 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 14-16 CK111  
6. Teacher Harri Mansikka 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 12-14 C221  
7. Teacher Mikko Rauhala 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 14-16 CK111  

581331-5 Käyttöjärjestelmät I (Operating systems) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Tiina Niklander 13 SEPT - 20 OCT MON 10-12, WED 14-16 A111

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Teacher Sini Ruohomaa 20 SEPT - 29 OCT MON 12-14 B119  
2. Teacher Mikko Heimola 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 8-10 CK111   (In english, if needed)
3. Lab.ins. Auvo Häkkinen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 10-12 CK111  
4. Teacher Mikko Heimola 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 12-14 CK111  
5. Lab.ins. Auvo Häkkinen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 10-12 B119  
6. Teacher Sini Ruohomaa 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 12-14 DK116  

581332-8 Rinnakkaisohjelmistot (Concurrent systems) (2 cu)

Lectures: Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 25 OCT - 1 DEC MON 10-12, KE 14-16 A111

Registration starts 5 Oct!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Sini Ruohomaa 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 12-14 DK117   (In English, if needed)
2. Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 12-14 DK117  
3. Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 14-16 CK111  
4. Teacher Riikka Kaven 1 NOV - 10 DEC WED 10-12 CK111  
5. Lab.Eng. Auvo Häkkinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC WED 12-14 CK107  
6. Lab.Eng. Auvo Häkkinen 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 10-12 B119  
7. Teacher Riikka Kaven 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 12-14 DK117  
8. Teacher Riikka Kaven 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 14-16 CK111  
9. Teacher Sini Ruohomaa 1 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 12-14 CK107  

58131-8 Tietorakenteet (Data structures) (4 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Matti Luukkainen 14 SEPT - 2 DEC TUE, THU 10-12 A111

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 20 SEPT - 10 DEC MON 10-12 B119  
2. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 20 SEPT - 10 DEC TUE 12-14 B119  
3. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 20 SEPT - 10 DEC WED 10-12 B119  
4. Amanuensis Marja Huovinen 20 SEPT - 10 DEC WED 14-16 CK111  
5. Amanuensis Marja Huovinen 20 SEPT - 10 DEC THU 12-14 DK116  
6. University Lecturer Matti Luukkainen 20 SEPT - 10 DEC THU 14-16 DK118  
7. Teacher Mikko Heimola 20 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 8-10 CK111  
8. Teacher Mikko Heimola 20 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 12-14 CK111   (In English, if needed)

581334-4 Tietokannan hallinta (Database management) (2 ov)

Lectures: Lecturer Harri Laine 27 OCT - 2 DEC WED, THU 10-12 B123

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 12-14 B119  
3. Teacher Olli Alm 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 10-12 C221  
3. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 1 NOV - 10 DEC WED 12-14 B119  
4. Teacher Jaakko Nurro 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 14-16 CK107  
5. Teacher Olli Alm 1 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 C221  
6. Teacher Jaakko Nurro 1 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 14-16 B119  

58110-3 Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen kurssi (Scientific writing, Autumn 2004) (4 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Lea Kutvonen 13 SEPT - 18 OCT MON 12-14 CK112, 1 NOV MON 12-14 CK112

The course is only for ma7 SEPT - 7 DECjoring students and students completing their minor Laudatur module.

Exercise groups: 7 SEPT - 10 DEC
1. Asst Tommi Mononen 7 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 10-14 C131  
2. Juha Gustafsson 15 SEPT WED 14-16 A319, 17 SEPT - 10 DEC WED, FRI 14-16 A319  
3. Raine Kauppinen  
4. Lecturer Arto Wikla 7 SEPT - 7 DEC WED 12-16 C132  
5. Asst Jukka Viljamaa 16 SEPT THU 10-14 A319, 25 NOV THU 10-14 A319, 9 DEC THU 10-14 A319  
6. Teacher Mikko Koivisto 7 SEPT - 7 DEC FRI 14-16 C132  
7. Asst Satu Eloranta 13 SEPT MON 14-16 A319, 20 SEPT - 29 NOV MON 10-12 A319  
8. Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 7 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE, THU 10-12 C132  
9. PhD Asst Päivi Kuuppelomäki 16 SEPT THU 14-16 A319  
10. University Lecturer Pirjo Moen  
11. Asst Oskari Heinonen 16 SEPT THU 14-16 A218  
12. Antti Leino 7 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 12-16 A319  

581259-4 Ohjelmistotuotanto (Software engineering) (3 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Juha Taina 13 SEPT - 3 NOV MON, WED 14-16 CK112

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 12 NOV
1. Teacher Hannu Räisänen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV MON 16-18 B119  
2. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 16-18 B119  
3. Teacher Hannu Räisänen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV THU 12-14 C221  
4. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 20 SEPT - 12 NOV FRI 10-12 B119  

581260-4 Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti (Software engineering project) (6 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Juha Taina

Exercise groups: 1 SEPT - 31 DEC
1. Amanuensis Marja Huovinen 7 SEPT TUE 10-12 CK109  
2. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 2 SEPT THU 17-19 A319  
3. Teacher Hannu Räisänen  
4. Teacher Marianne Korpela 7 SEPT TUE 10-12 A219, 10 SEPT FRI 10-12 C132  
5. Teacher Kimmo Airamaa 7 SEPT TUE 13-15 A318  
6. Teacher Jenni Valorinta 7 SEPT TUE 12-14 C132  
7. Teacher Sini Ruohomaa 6 SEPT MON 16-18 A319  
8. Teacher Vesa Vainio 2 SEPT THU 16-18 C132, 3 SEPT - 10 SEPT FRI 14-16 A219, 6 SEPT - 10DEC MON 16-18, THU 8-10 C132, 24.9 - 10 DEC FRI 14-16 A219  
9. Antti Tevanlinna 6 SEPT MON 15-17 C130  
10. Teacher Mikko Olin 6 SEPT MON 14-16 A319  
11. Teacher Jenni Valorinta 7 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 14-16 C132  

58160-8 Ohjelmoinnin harjoitustyö (Programming project, 1st period) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen 13 SEPT MON 18-20 CK112

There will be at least one more group!

Exercise groups: 14 SEPT - 22 OCT
1. Teacher Joni Salmi 14 SEPT - 22 OCT TUE 8-10 CK109, 21 SEPT - 22 OCT TUE 18-20 CK109  
2. Teacher Joni Salmi 14 SEPT - 22 OCT TUE 10-12 CK109, 21 SEPT - 22 OCT TUE 16-18 CK109  
3. Teacher Mikko Rauhala 16 SEPT - 21 OCT THU 14-18 C131  

58160-8 Ohjelmoinnin harjoitustyö (Programming project, 2nd period) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen 25 OCT MON 18-20 CK112

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 25 OCT - 2 DEC
1. Teacher Jaakko Saaristo 25 OCT - 29 NOV MON 15-19 C130  
2. Teacher Riku Hyppänen 27 OCT - 1 DEC WED 16-20 CK109  
3. Teacher Mikko Rauhala 28 OCT - 2 DEC THU 14-18 C131  

581329-2 Tietokantasovellusten harjoitustyö (Database applications project, 1st period) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Pirjo Moen 13 SEPT MON 16-18 CK112, 27 SEPT MON 16-18 B222

Exercise groups: 13 SEPT - 21 OCT
1. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 13 SEPT - 21 OCT MON, THU 10-12 C130  
2. Teacher Pekka Simola 13 SEPT - 18 OCT MON 12-16 C132  
3. Teacher Olaf Laczak 15 SEPT - 20 OCT WED 12-16 C131  

581329-2 Tietokantasovellusten harjoitustyö (Database applications project) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Pirjo Moen 25 OCT MON 16-18 CK112, 8 NOV MON 12-14 CK112

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Tommi Rajala 1 NOV - 10 DEC MON 14-18 C131  
2. Teacher Teemu Sidoroff 2 NOV - 9 DEC TUE, THU 10-12 C130  
3. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 2 NOV - 10 DEC TUE, FRI 14-16 C130  
4. Teacher Olaf Laczak 3 NOV - 8 DEC WED 12-16 C131  
5. Teacher Mikko Olin 4 NOV - 9 DEC THU 14-18 C130  

58161-5 Tietorakenteiden harjoitustyö (Data structures project) (2 ov)

Lectures: Lecturer Otto Nurmi

Exercise groups: 6 SEPT - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 6 SEPT - 13 OCT MON, WED 12-15 C130  
2. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 7 SEPT - 14 OCT TUE 9-12, THU 12-15 C130  
3. Teacher Jouni Kuisma 1 NOV - 8 DEC MON, WED 10-13 C130  
4. Teacher Mikko Rauhala 2 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 14-18, FRI 14-16 C131  
5. Teacher Jaakko Nurro 3 NOV - 10 DEC WED 14-16, FRI 10-14 C130  

Cum laude approbatur /optional courses


582321 Digitaalisen äänenkäsittelyn perusteet (Introduction to digital sound processing) (3 cu)

Lectures: Kjell Lemström

Lectures to be announced!


582315 Johdatus funktionaaliseen ohjelmointiin (Introduction to functional programming) (2 cu)

Lectures: Professor Matti Nykänen 26 OCT - 2 DEC TUE 12-14, THU 10-12 CK112

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Asst Satu Eloranta 1 NOV - 10 DEC WED 12-14 C222  
2. Asst Satu Eloranta 1 NOV - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 C222  

581251-0 Ohjelmointitekniikka (Software design, C++) (3 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Juha Vihavainen 15 SEPT - 5 NOV WED 16-18, FRI 12-14 CK112, 10 NOV WED 16-18 CK112

17 Sept lecture cancelled due to Exactum day!

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 12 NOV
1. Teacher Jarkko Toivonen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 10-12 BK106   (in English, if needed)
2. Teacher Toni Ruokolainen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 12-14 DK118  
3. Teacher Vesa Karvonen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 14-16 BK106  
4. Teacher Vesa Karvonen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 16-18 BK106  
5. Teacher Jarkko Toivonen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV WED 10-12 BK106  
6. Teacher Toni Ruokolainen 20 SEPT - 12 NOV WED 14-16 BK106  

582322 Pelit ja virtuaaliympäristöt (Games and virtual environments) (3 ov)

Lectures: University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen 16 SEPT - 4 NOV THU 9-12 D122

The course does not start until 16 Sept!


582320 Programming Graphical User Interfaces (3-5 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Harri Laine 7 SEPT - 10 DEC TUE, FRI 10-12 CK112

Registration: Deadline for the registrations is the 4th of September at 16.00. After the deadline about 20 students will be selected. Students will be informed about the selection on the 5th of September.

Exercise groups: 17 SEPT - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Vesa Vainio 17 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 8-10 C222  

58127-1 Programming in C (2 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Krishnan Narayanan 14 SEPT - 21 OCT TUE, THU 12-14 CK112

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Teacher Olli Lahti 20 SEPT - 29 OCT MON 12-14 C222  
2. Teacher Kimmo Palin 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 10-12 CK111  
3. Teacher Krishnan Narayanan 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 10-12 DK118   (In English)
4. Teacher Kimmo Palin 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 14-16 B119  
5. Teacher Olli Lahti 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 18-20 C222  
6. Teacher Olli Lahti 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 16-18 B119  

582316 X/Open-sovellusohjelmointi (X/Open application programming) (3 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Jan Lindström, University Lecturer Jukka Manner 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 16-19 D122


582313 Bioinformatiikan perusteet (Introduction to bio0informatics) (3 cu)

Lectures: Janne Sinkkonen 15 SEPT - 18 NOV WED, THU 12-14 D122

Exercise groups: -
1. Teacher Jussi Kollin 20 SEPT - 26 NOV WED 14-16 C221  
2. Teacher Jussi Kollin 20 SEPT - 26 NOV THU 14-16 C221  

582319 Molecular Genetics and Gene Mapping for Methodological Sciences (2 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Päivi Onkamo 13 SEPT - 17 SEPT THU, FRI 10-17 CK110

If more than 12 students have registered for this course, there will be a screening test.

Exercise groups: -

582310 Aineenopettajan tietotekniikka (Computer technology for teachers) (3 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Anni Rytkönen 7 OCT - 25 NOV THU 14-18 DK117

When you register, please send a short introduction of yourself to the teacher, Please read the course page, as well (in Finnish).

Exercise groups: -
1. Teacher Jouni Kuisma  



582456 Approximation Algorithms (4 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Aristides Gionis 27 SEPT - 8 DEC MON, WED 12-14 B222

Exercise groups: -
1. Teacher Niina Haiminen 4 OCT - 10 DEC WED 10-12 DK117  

582457 Classification (2 cu)

Lectures: Docent Patrik Floréen 13 SEPT - 29 NOV MON 10-12 B222

Exercise groups: -
1. Teacher Petteri Nurmi  

582401 Geometriset menetelmät (Geometric methods) (4 cu)

Lectures: Lecturer Otto Nurmi 14 SEPT - 3 DEC TUE 14-16, FRI 12-14 B222

Exercise groups: -
1. Teacher Petteri Hintsanen 20 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 CK111  

582458 Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis (2 cu)

Lectures: Teacher John Shawe-Taylor 18 OCT - 22 OCT MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9-15 CK107

Registration starts 5 Oct!!


581336-0 Laskennan teoria (Theory of computation) (3 cu)

Lectures: Professor Jyrki Kivinen 11 OCT - 1 DEC MON 10-12, WED 12-14 CK112

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 18 OCT - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Lauri Eronen 18 OCT - 10 DEC MON 16-18 B222  
2. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 18 OCT - 10 DEC TUE 10-12 B119  
3. Professor Jyrki Kivinen 18 OCT - 10 DEC WED 10-12 C221  
4. Teacher Jouni Siren 18 OCT - 10 DEC WED 14-16 B119  
5. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 18 OCT - 10 DEC THU 12-14 B119  
6. Teacher Jouni Siren 18 OCT - 10 DEC FRI 12-14 B119  

581381-0 Käyttöliittymät II (User interfaces II) (3 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Sari A. Laakso 22 SEPT WED 8-10 CK112, 22 SEPT - 1 DEC WED 10-12 CK112

Some 40-50 participants accepted. If more have registered, they will be chosen on the basis of their grades from the course User interfaces I. Registration ends on 9 Sept at 9:00. The results will be announced on Mon 13 Sept at the latest.


581361-6 Ohjelmistojen testaus (Software testing) (3 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Juha Taina 26 OCT - 9 DEC TUE, THU 10-12 B222

Registration starts 5 Oct!!

Exercise groups: 1 NOV - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Hannu Räisänen 1 NOV - 10 DEC TUE 12-14 C221  
2. Teacher Hannu Räisänen 1 NOV - 10 DEC THU 16-18 C221  

581359-3 Ohjelmistoprosessit ja ohjelmistojen laatu (Software processes and quality) (3 cu)

Lectures: Professor Inkeri Verkamo 15 SEPT - 5 NOV WED 16-18, FRI 8-10 D122

Group 1 is for those completing the course with PSP exercises! Group 2 is for those taking exercise groups and course exam!

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 12 NOV
1. Teacher Turjo Tuohiniemi 20 SEPT - 12 NOV TUE 10-12 DK117  
2. Professor Inkeri Verkamo 20 SEPT - 12 NOV FRI 10-12 C220  

582461 Foundations for Future Mobile Computing (4 cu)

Lectures: Professor Kimmo Raatikainen 13 SEPT - 29 NOV MON 16-18 D122


582449 Peer-to-Peer Computing (3 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Stefano Campadello, Teacher Heikki Helin 21 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 16-18 D122

NB! The course does not start until 21 Sept!


581365-8 Tietokoneen rakenne (Computer organization II) (2 cu)

Lectures: Lab.Eng. Auvo Häkkinen 13 SEPT - 20 OCT MON, TUE 12-14 D122

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Lab.Eng. Auvo Häkkinen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 14-16 DK118  
2. Teacher Mika Karlstedt 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 10-12 C221  
3. Teacher Mika Karlstedt 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 14-16 B221  

581363-2 Tietoliikenne II (Data communications II) (2 cu)

Lectures: Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 13 SEPT - 20 OCT MON, WED 14-16 D122

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Sr Asst Liisa Marttinen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 14-16 DK116  
2. Lecturer Markku Kojo 20 SEPT - 29 OCT WED 12-14 B119  

582462 Tietoturvan jatkokurssi (Advanced course in security) (3 cu)

Lectures: PhD Asst Timo Karvi 13 SEPT - 29 NOV MON 10-12 D122

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 3 DEC
1. PhD Asst Timo Karvi 20 SEPT - 3 DEC MON 14-16 C222  

582475 Information Visualization (2 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Alexander Hinneburg 14 SEPT - 21 oCT TUE, THU 16-18 C222


582466 Puukieliopit (Tree grammars) (3 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Miro Lehtonen, Teacher Mika Raento 27 OCT - 3 DEC WED 14-16, FRI 12-14 C222

Registration starts 5 Oct!!


582440 Sanojen merkitykset (The meaning of words) (2 cu)

Lectures: University Lecturer Jussi Piitulainen 13 SEPT - 20 OCT MON, WED 10-12 C222

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Teacher Jukka Kohonen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT FRI 12-14 D122  

582444 Special Course on Data Mining (3 cu)

Lectures: Marko Salmenkivi 14 SEPT - 21 OCT TUE, THU 10-12 B222

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Teacher Kari Laasonen 20 SEPT - 29 OCT THU 12-14 DK117  

581353-5 Tietokannan mallinnus (Database modelling) (2 cu)

Lectures: Asst Satu Eloranta 23 SEPT - 25 NOV THU 12-14 B222

Exercise groups: 27 SEPT - 3 DEC
1. Asst Satu Eloranta 27 SEPT - 3 DEC TUE 12-14 C222  
2. Asst Satu Eloranta 27 SEPT - 3 DEC FRI 14-16 C222  

582403 Tietovarastot (Data warehouses) (2 cu)

Lectures: Professor Seppo Sippu 14 SEPT - 21 OCT TUE, THU 14-16 D122

Exercise groups: 20 SEPT - 29 OCT
1. Professor Seppo Sippu 20 SEPT - 29 OCT TUE 16-18 B222  

582468 Computational Neuroscience (3 cu)

Lectures: Teacher Patrik Hoyer, Teacher Jarmo Hurri 14 SEPT - 22 OCT TUE 14-16, FRI 10-12 C222, 16 SEPT THU 10-12 C222

The lecture of Friday 17 Sept has been moved up to Thursday 16 Sept at 10-12!


58066-7 Tekoäly (Artificial intelligence) (4 cu)

Lectures: Professor Eero Hyvönen 21 SEPT - 9 DEC TUE, THU 14-16 CK112

The course does not start until 21 Sept!

Exercise groups: 27 SEPT - 10 DEC
1. Teacher Olaf Laczak 27 SEPT - 10 DEC TUE 12-14 CK111  
2. Teacher Olaf Laczak 27 SEPT - 10 DEC TUE 16-18 CK111  
3. Teacher Olaf Laczak 27 SEPT - 10 DEC THU 12-14 CK111  

582467 Data Analysis for Gene Expression (3-5 cu)

Lectures: Professor Samuel Kaski, Docent Petri Auvinen, Madhuchhanda Bhattacharjee, PhD 11 - 15 OCT MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9-14 CK107, 15 - 16 NOV MON, TUE 9-14 CK107




58304307 Geneerinen metaohjelmointi (Generic meta-programming) (2 cu)

Lecturer Juha Vihavainen 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 14-16 B222


58304319 GRID laskenta ja Linux klusterointi (GRID computation and Linux clustering) (2 cu)

Professor Kimmo Raatikainen 13 SEPT - 29 NOV MON 14-16 B222

The seminar has been cancelled!


58304312 Hajautetut järjestelmät mobiileissa ad hoc -verkoissa (Distributed systems in mobile ad hoc networks) (2 cu)

Professor Timo Alanko 15 SEPT - 8 DEC WED 16-18 B222


58304315 Hypermediajärjestelmät (Hyper-media systems) (2 cu)

Lecturer Hannu Erkiö 17 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 B222


58304314 Modernit tiedonhakumenetelmät (Modern information-retrieval methods) (2 cu)

Teacher Juha Puustjärvi 20 SEPT - 13 DEC MON 8-12 DK116


58304306 Ohjelmistotekniikan laatumallit (Software quality models) (2 cu)

Professor Jukka Paakki 15 SEPT - 8 DEC WED 14-16 DK117


58304303 Pattern Analysis in Sequences (2 CU)

ProfESSOR Esko Ukkonen, Teacher Veli Mäkinen 15 SEPT - 8 DEC WED 14-16 B222


58304318 Research Seminar on Computational Data Analysis (2 cu)

Teacher Aristides Gionis, Professor Samuel Kaski 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 14-16 C222


58304302 Research Seminar on Sum-Product Algorithms (2 CU)

Teacher Mikko Koivisto 14 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 10-12 C222

Seminaari on peruutettu!


58304311 Selected Topics on Transport Protocols for Wireless Internet (2 cu)

Lecturer Markku Kojo 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 12-14 C222


58304317 Seminaari: Tiedon louhinta webissä (2 cu)

University Lecturer Pirjo Moen 14 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 12-14 B222


58304305 Takaisinmallinnus ja käänteistekniikat ohjelmistotuotannossa (Backward modelling and inverse techniques in software engineering) (2 cu)

Asst Jukka Viljamaa 15 SEPT - 1 DEC WED 10-12 B222


58304308 Tekoälyalgoritmit tietokonepeleissä (Algorithms for artificial intelligence in computer games) (2-3 cu)

University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen 15 SEPT - 8 DEC WED 14-18 DK116


58304316 Tekstianalyysimenetelmät (Methods for text analysis) (2 cu)

Professor Helena Ahonen-Myka 14 SEPT - 7 DEC TUE 10-12 DK116


58304301 Vaihtoehtoiset laskentaparadigmat (Alternative calculation paradigms) (2 cu)

Professor Jyrki Kivinen, University Lecturer Tomi Pasanen 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 14-16 DK116


58303313 Verkko-oppimisyhteisöt (Online learning communities) (2 cu)

University Lecturer Jaakko Kurhila 20 SEPT MON 16-18 B222


58304310 Virtuaaliorganisaatiot (Virtual organizations) (2 cu)

University Lecturer Lea Kutvonen 17 SEPT - 10 DEC FRI 10-12 DK116


58304304 Älykkäiden järjestelmien tutkimusseminaari (Research seminar for intelligent systems) (2 cu)

Professor Petri Myllymäki 16 SEPT - 9 DEC THU 16-18 B222