AbstractThe Persistent Workshop is a programming environment to support the construction of application systems in Napier88, a persistent programming language. In addition to supporting programming activities, the Workshop provides a demonstration of the persistence technology together with an environment in which various experiments can be conducted. The paper gives a brief description of the underlying principles of persistence, which are exploited by the Workshop. The basic structure of the Workshop is described, together with a brief summary of the tools provided within the programming environment, followed by an outline of the internal structure of the Workshop and the use of persistent data structures. Some initial measurements on the usage of the Workshop are briefly presented, and we discuss related work. Finally, the current status of the Workshop is described together with some comments on future work.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniques; D.2.6 [Software Engineering]: Programming Environments
Additional Key Words and Phrases: programming environments, programmer workbench, persistent programming, logging technology
Selected references
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