AbstractThis paper presents an overview of Midgård, a program development environment, where part of the development of a program is carried out in the context of an execution of the program itself. Midgård enables the developer to experiment with different designs and solutions while maintaining a low turn-around time during most of the development. Midgård thus provides better support for exploratory programming than traditional batch-oriented environments for statically checked languages. The design of Midgård, which is based on dynamic extensibility, is described and a prototype implementation for the block structured object-oriented programming language BETA is presented. In the prototype the dynamic extensibility is implemented using an embedded compiler and an embedded incremental linker. The main contribution is the use of an embedded compiler and an embedded incremental linker for enabling that part of the development of a program is done in the context of an execution of the program itself with low turn-around time.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniques; D.2.6 [Software Engineering]: Programming Environments; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors
Additional Key Words and Phrases: exploratory programming, dynamic extensibility, dynamic and incremental linking, dynamic compilation, runtime programming, statically checked
Selected references
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