AbstractThis paper deals with software development for a particular class of embedded systems. A timed programming language is presented that retains most of the abstract concepts of a process algebra, yet restricts the problems of constructing actual implementations on embedded system platforms.
The implementation is given in terms of a translation from the PMC programming language to a model of implementation platforms, called Imp.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2 [Software Engineering]; D.3 [Programming Languages]
Additional Key Words and Phrases: embedded systems, process algebra, synchronous communication, concurrency, distributed system, high-level programming languages
Selected references
- Gérard Berry and Georges Gonthier. The ESTEREL synchronous programming language: design, semantics, implementation. Science of Computer Programming, 19(2):87-152, November 1992.
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- Gael N. Buckley and Abraham Silberschatz. An effective implementation for the generalized input-output construct of CSP. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 5(2):223-235, April 1983.
- Cédric Fournet and Georges Gonthier. The reflexive CHAM and the join-calculus. In Conference Record of POPL '96: The 23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 372-385, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, 21-24 January 1996.
- Devendra Kumar and Abraham Silberschatz. A counter-example to an algorithm for the generalized input-output construct of CSP. Information Processing Letters, 61(6):287, 28 March 1997.