AbstractWe consider the problem of partitioning the n nodes of a complete edge weighted graph into k clusters so as to minimize the sum of the diameters of the clusters. Since the problem is NP-complete, our focus is on the development of good approximation algorithms. When edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality, we present the first approximation algorithm for the problem. The approximation algorithm yields a solution which has no more than O(k) clusters such that the sum of cluster diameters is within a factor O(ln(n/k)) of the optimal value using exactly k clusters. Our approach also permits a tradeoff among the constant terms hidden by the two big-O terms and the running time. For any fixed k, we present an approximation algorithm that produces k clusters whose total diameter is at most twice the optimal value. When the distances are not required to satisfy the triangle inequality, we show that, unless P = NP, for any Rho >= 1, there is no polynomial time approximation algorithm that can provide a performance guarantee of Rho even when the number of clusters is fixed at 3. We also present some results for the problem of minimizing the sum of cluster radii.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: G.2.2 [Discrete Mathematics]: Graph Theory
Additional Key Words and Phrases: clustering, data mining, approximation algorithms, bicriteria problems, combinatorial algorithms
Selected references
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