RE: About rebuild 2.4.x kernel to support SMP.

Yiping Chen (
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 00:24:01 +0800

Thanks for your reply.
I am interested in where can find the linux kernel spec. file, and where Red
Hat add the smp string?
Where the uname command extract the kernel version information(eg:
2.4.2-2smp or 2.2.16)?
I means from which file, or use which system call?

I am a linux driver writer, and I am writing Makefile now. I hope the
Makefile can install driver
to the correct directory automatically (user run 'make install').
The linux driver modules always put in /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/...
before (in kernel 2.2.16),
but in kernel 2.4.x, the path change to
I don't know where to get the kernel_version information. I need some help.
may I use uname? I worry that the driver will install to incorrect path, and
user will complain it.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:03 AM
To: Yiping Chen
Cc: 'Vivek Dasmohapatra'; ''
Subject: RE: About rebuild 2.4.x kernel to support SMP.

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Yiping Chen wrote:

> So, I have two question now,
> 1. how to determine whether your kernel support SMP?
> Somebody taugh me that you can type "uname -r", but it seems not
> correct.

No, it's correct: the Red Hat RPM is build from the kernel.spec file which
adds the smp string to the version.

> 2. I remember in 2.2.x, when I rebuild the kernel which support SMP, the
> compile
> argument will include -D__SMP__ , but this time, when I rebuild kernel
> 2.4.2-2 , it didn't appear.
> Why?

Because you've made an assumption that holds no value. 2.4 kernels rely
on CONFIG_SMP instead of __SMP__.

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