Jussi Kangasharju
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![]() | Prof. Jussi Kangasharju |
Department of Computer Science | |
PL 68 (Gustaf Hallstromin katu 2b) | |
00014 University of Helsinki | |
Finland | |
Tel: +358 50 415 1708 | |
Email: Jussi.Kangasharju@helsinki.fi | |
WWW: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jakangas/ | |
Twitter: @kangasharju | |
Blog: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/jakangas/ |
Office hours in academic year 2014/15: Tuesdays 13-14, room A220 in Exactum. Alternatively, you can ask for an appointment by email or use Doodle to send a meeting request. I have an ICS calendar for my travel schedule to show when I'm out of town.
Short Bio
Jussi Kangasharju received his MSc from Helsinki University of Technology in 1998. He received his Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) from the Ecole Superieure des Sciences Informatiques (ESSI) in Sophia Antipolis in 1998. In 2002 he received his PhD from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis/Institut Eurecom. In 2002 he joined Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD), first as post-doctoral researcher, and from 2004 onwards as assistant professor. In 2007 he successfully passed his 3-year evaluation for a contract extension at TUD. Since June 2007 Jussi is a professor at the department of computer science at University of Helsinki. Between 2009 and 2012 he was the director of the Future Internet research program at Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT). Jussi's research interests are information-centric networks, content distribution, opportunistic networks, and green ICT. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.
My research interests are networking and distributed systems, in particular in the following areas:
- Information-centric networking
- Content distribution
- Opportunistic networks
- Green ICT
Please see my other page for a list of recent publications and the old list of my publications.
My Google Scholar profile also has all of my publications with links to the papers or the publisher sites.
In the academic year 2013-2014, I'm teaching the following courses:- Distributed Systems (Fall 2013)
- Seminar: Opportunistic networks (Fall 2013)
- Distributed Systems Project (Spring 2014)
If you are interested in doing your master's thesis in one of the research areas mentioned above (or in a somewhat related area), please get in touch with me.
You can also find open topics on the department's open thesis topics page.
Last modified: Thu Aug 29 13:33:19 EEST 2013