Last updated on 9 November, 1999. Please see Finnish version for later translation: language check: Marina Kurtén
Teaching plan autumn 1999
Course registration started on 1 September 1999 at 9:00.
Course registration for some courses starting in October-November started on 6 October 1999 at 9:00.
(There is a mention in the course description about later registration.)
Some courses use registration forms or WWW registration (there is a mention about this in the course registration).
Other Studies
Cum Laude Approbatur
Cum Laude Approbatur / optional studies
Degree requirements and other study information is found in the programme book of the Faculty of ScienceIn general, all courses and exercise sessions are given at the Department of Computer Science, at Teollisuuskatu 23. Some lectures, exercise sessions and exams are given in classrooms in the centre of the city (on university premises).
Student Councelling (B439)
Student councelling is given by
- Asst. Prof. Greger Lindén, Foreign Student Advisor, A323, Mon, Wed, Thur 11-11:30
- Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla B439, Mon and Thur 12-14 B439
- Asst. Prof. Harri Laine B439, Tue 12-14 and Wed 9-10 B439
- Asst. Prof. Pentti Elolampi Wed 12-14 and Fri klo 9-10 B439 and
- Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen Tue 14-16 and Thur 10-12 B439.
Course registration (tkt_ilmo)
Course registration for autumn courses started on 1 September 1999 at 9:00. Course registration for some courses starting in October-November started only on 6 October 1999 at 9:00. (There is a mention in the course description about later registration.) Some courses use registration forms or WWW registration (there is a mention about this in the course registration). In general, students register for courses and final exams using the course registration system in the computer kontti (user id tkt_ilmo). On the first registration day, this is possible only in rooms D423, D425 and D426!!!. If students should register in some other way, this is mentioned in this course schedule. User instructions for registration can be found in the terminal room (D423) and on the notice-boards of the 4th floor.Courses
Students must register for courses during the first week of the course at the latest unless other instructions are given here.Students register for end term exams on Monday the week before the exam at the lastest. End term examination dates are found on the WWW page
Students do not register for midterm examinations. These are part of the course. Midterm examination dates are found on the web page
Course contents with literature references and exam requirements can be found in the course descriptions which can be found on the notice-boards on the 4th floor. See also the web page
Students who attend exams must bring an identification card or their credit book. They must also sign their name on a name list during the exam. Students must write their full name, personal signum, signature, course name in their answers, and also include page numbers.
Laboratory work groups
A student who has interrupted his laboratory work may not register directly for a new group. He must register with other "interrupters" in a special queueing list. Students may register for laboratory work up until the day the group meets for the first time.
NOTE! There are new rules regarding the the laboratory groups beginning from autumn 1999. If students want to cancel their registrations they must do so 48 hours before the groups starts. Students must finish their work within given time. Students who do not finish their work within given time, and students who have registered but not canceled (and never showed up in the group) cannot thereafter register for a new group in the normal way. They must instead register in the "queue of interrupters".Working groups are filled during the first meeting with students present. Students who have registered for the group or for the queueing list of the group have priority. If there is room in the group, it will be filled with students from the list of interrupters, firstly those who show up at the first group meeting. When the group is filled up, students attending the course for the first time will have priority. It is however, important that the student is present at the first group meeting otherwise s/he will lose his position in the group to another student.
A working group may be cancelled if too few students show up. These students will be assigned other groups (if possible).
Working groups will follow new rules from 1 January 1999. Information about the new rules can be found on the web page
The teacher of a certain course will during his offcie hours enter the credits in the student's credit book.Credits for study modules are given by the following teachers in autumn 1999:
- Approbatur: prof. Matti Mäkelä
- Cum laude approbatur: prof. Inkeri Verkamo
- Laudatur:
- General sub-programme: prof. Matti Mäkelä
- Software sub-programme: prof. Kimmo Raatikainen
- Teacher sub-programme: prof. Pekka Kilpeläinen
- Information Systems sub-programme: prof. Hannu Erkiö
- Application-oriented sub-programme: prof. Matti Mäkelä
Note! Teaching is in Finnish, if not otherwise noted.Other Studies
581256-5 Tutoring (Opettajatutorointi) (1 cu)
Asst. Päivi Kuuppelomäki Note! First meeting on Monday 20 September at 14-16 in the Auditorium. The course is compulsory for major students who started in autumn 1998. Groups meet Mondays 14-16.
Cum Laude Approbatur
581384-9 Introduction to the Use of Computers (2 cu)
Lectr: B.Sc. Curt Taylor 10.8-9.9 (not 26.8), Tuesdays 14-16, Thursdays 14-16 A414
In English Exercises: 11.8-8.9 1. B. Sc. Curt Taylor TUE 10-12 D326 2. B. Sc. Curt Taylor WED 10-12 D326 3. B. Sc. Curt Taylor WED 12-14 D326 4. B. Sc. Curt Taylor WED 14-16 D326 5. B. Sc. Curt Taylor THU 10-12 D326581324-7 Introduction to the Use of Computers (Tietokone työvälineenä, for major students) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Karri-Pekka Laakso 13.9-7.10 MON 10-12, THU 8-10 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 13.9-15.10 1. Teacher Asko Saura MON 8-10, THU 10-12 A412 2. Teacher Sanni Vänttinen MON 12-14, THU 14-16 A412 3. Teacher Sanni Vänttinen MON 14-16, THU 12-14 A412 4. Teacher Janne Siren MON 16-18, THU 16-18 A412 5. Asst. Prof. Karri-Pekka Laakso TUE 12-14, WED 14-16 A412 6. Teacher Janne Siren TUE 16-18, FRI 8-10 A412 7. Teacher Asko Saura WED 8-10, THU 18-20 A412581324-7 Introduction to the Use of Computers (Tietokone työvälineenä, for minor students) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Reijo Siven 3.11-26.11 WED 14-16, FRI 12-14 AUDITORIUM Note! Registration started on 6.10 at 9.00! Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 8.11-10.12 1. Teacher Jenny Sandgren MON 10-12, WED 12-14 A412 2. Teacher Samppa Saarela MON 12-14, THU 8-10 A412 3. Teacher Samppa Saarela MON 14-16, FRI 14-16 A412 4. Teacher Topi Junkkari TUE 8-10, WED 16-18 A412 5. Teacher Tuomo Malinen TUE 10-12, THU 10-12 A412 6. Teacher Tuomo Malinen TUE 12-14, THU 12-14 A412 7. Teacher Jenny Sandgren TUE 14-16, THU 14-16 A412 8. Teacher Antti Vähäkangas TUE 16-18, THU 16-18 A412 9. Teacher Antti Vähäkangas WED 8-10, FRI 10-12 A412 10. Teacher Topi Junkkari WED 10-12, FRI 8-10 A412 8. Teacher Topi Junkkari WED 16-18, ? A412 9. 10.581357-7 Introduction to the Use of Computers (Introduktion till datorn som arbetsredskap, both for major and minor students in Swedish) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Greger Lindén 14.9-21.10 TIS 14-16 (14.9, 28.9), TOR 12-14 A319 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 16.9-21.10 1. Aman. Anni Rytkönen TIS 14-16 (21.9, 5.10-19.10), TOR 8-10 A412581328-9 Basics in Databases (Tietokantojen perusteet) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Harri Laine 13.9-20.10 MON 12-14, WED 14-16 AUDITORIUM Project work supervising Teacher Anna Kolehmainen 27.9-29.10 MON 14-16 and THU 12-14 C455
Explaining project work Teacher Janne Kraft MON 4.10 and MON 25.10 klo 14-16 Auditorium.581327-6 Introduction to Application Design (Johdatus sovellussuunnitteluun) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Harri Laine 1.11-9.12 MON 10-12, THU 8-10 AUDITORIUM Note! Registration started on 6.10 at 9.00! Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 8.11-10.12 1. Teacher Anna Kolehmainen MON 12-14 B450 2. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty MON 12-14 A319 3. Teacher Jaakko Haapasalo MON 16-18 B453 4. Teacher Jaakko Haapasalo TUE 8-10 C474 5. Teacher Anna Kolehmainen TUE 10-12 C474 6. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty TUE 16-18 A318 7. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty WED 10-12 A319 8. Teacher Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen WED 12-14 B450 9. Teacher Anna Kolehmainen THU 12-14 B450 10. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty THU 14-16 A319 11. Teacher Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen THU 14-16 A318 12. Teacher Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen THU 16-18 C454 13. Teacher Jaakko Haapasalo FRI 8-10 B450 14. Teacher Saara Huhmarniemi FRI 10-12 B450 15. Teacher Saara Huhmarniemi FRI 12-14 B450 16. Teacher Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen (in English) WED 12-14 B450 Note! The courses Introduction to Application Design and Basics in Databases will substitute for the old course Information Systems.581325-0 Introduction to Programming (Ohjelmoinnin perusteet) (3 cu)
Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla 15.9-5.11 WED 16-18, FRI 14-16 room 1 main building Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-5.11 1. Teacher Olli Lahti MON 12-14 A320 2. Teacher Olaf Laczak MON 12-14 C474 3. Teacher Olaf Laczak TUE 8-10 B453 4. Teacher Antti Tuominen TUE 10-12 A320 5. Asst. Prof. Timo Karvi TUE 10-12 B450 6. Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla TUE 12-14 B450 7. Teacher Antti Tuominen TUE 12-14 A318 8. Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla TUE 14-16 B450 9. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski TUE 14-16 C474 10. Teacher Olli Lahti TUE 16-18 A320 11. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski TUE 16-18 C474 12. Teacher Antti Kerminen WED 10-12 A320 13. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski WED 10-12 C474 14. Teacher Olaf Laczak WED 12-14 Seminar room 14, Vuorikatu 20 15. Teacher Jaakko Nurro WED 12-14 AUD III main building 16. Teacher Jaakko Nurro WED 14-16 AUD VI main building 17. Asst. Prof. Timo Karvi (In English) THU 10-12 B453 18. Teacher Jaakko Nurro FRI 10-12 C454 19. Teacher Antti Kerminen FRI 12-14 Porthania 607 20. Teacher Jaana Heino THU 16-18 C474 New group! 21. Teacher Jaana Heino FRI 10-12 C474 New group!581326-3 Programming in Java (Java-ohjelmointi) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla 10.11-10.12 WED 16-18, FRI 14-16 room 1 main building Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 8.11-10.12 Note! Exercise sessions start in the same week as the lectures!!! Note! Registration started on 6.10 at 9.00! 1. Teacher Olli Lahti MON 12-14 A320 2. Teacher Olaf Laczak MON 12-14 C474 3. Teacher Olaf Laczak TUE 8-10 B453 4. Asst. Prof. Timo Karvi TUE 10-12 B450 5. Teacher Antti Tuominen TUE 10-12 A320 6. Teacher Antti Tuominen TUE 12-14 A318 7. Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla TUE 12-14 B450 8. Asst. Prof. Arto Wikla TUE 14-16 B450 9. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski TUE 14-16 C474 10. Teacher Olli Lahti TUE 16-18 A320 11. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski TUE 16-18 C474 12. Teacher Antti Kerminen WED 10-12 A320 13. Teacher Joanna Mrozinski WED 10-12 C474 14. Teacher Olaf Laczak WED 12-14 Seminar room 14, Vuorikatu 20 15. Teacher Jaakko Nurro WED 12-14 AUD III main building 16. Teacher Jaakko Nurro WED 14-16 AUD VI main building 17. Asst. Prof. Timo Karvi (In English) THU 10-12 B453 18. Teacher Jaakko Nurro FRI 10-12 C454 19. Teacher Antti Kerminen FRI 12-14 Porthania 607 Note! The courses Introduction to Programming and Programming in Java will substitute for the old course Introduction to Programming.58123-3 Computer Organisation I (Tietokoneen toiminta) (3 cu)
Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen 20.10-8.12 MON 12-14, WED 9-12 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 25.10-10.12 1. Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen (In English) MON 10-12 C474 2. Teacher Raine Kauppinen MON 10-12 B450 3. Teacher Janne Kraft TUE 10-12 A319 4. Teacher Janne Kraft TUE 12-14 A319 5. Teacher Sami Andberg TUE 14-16 A318 6. Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen WED 12-14 C454 7. Teacher Sami Andberg WED 12-14 C474 8. Teacher Janne Kraft WED 12-14 A319 9. Teacher Sami Andberg WED 14-16 C474 10. Teacher Raine Kauppinen THU 8-10 B453 Cancelled! 11. Teacher Raine Kauppinen FRI 8-10 B453 12. Research Assistant Satu Sihvo FRI 10-12 A320 13. Research Assistant Satu Sihvo FRI 12-14 A31958131-8 Data Structures (Tietorakenteet) (4 cu)
Asst. Prof. Otto Nurmi 14.9-9.12 TUE 12-14, THU 12-14 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-10.12 1. Asst. Prof. Otto Nurmi MON 10-12 C454 2. Asst. Prof. Otto Nurmi MON 12-14 C454 3. Teacher Heikki Tuominen MON 16-18 A320 4. Teacher Heikki Tuominen WED 14-16 A320 5. Asst. Prof. Otto Nurmi WED 8-10 A320 6. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty THU 8-10 A320 7. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty FRI 8-10 A320 8. Teacher Heikki Tuominen FRI 12-14 B450 9. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty TUE 10-12 A318 New group!58038-4 Database Systems I (Tiedonhallinta I) (4 cu)
Prof. Hannu Erkiö 14.9-9.12 TUE 14-16, THU 10-12 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-10.12 1. Teacher Sami Andberg MON 8-10 A320 2. Teacher Sami Andberg MON 10-12 A320 3. Teacher Merja Alaluoma MON 10-12 A318 4. Teacher Merja Alaluoma TUE 16-18 A319 5. Teacher Sami Andberg TUE 16-18 B453 6. Teacher Anna Immonen WED 10-12 B450 7. Teacher Merja Alaluoma WED 12-14 A318 8. Teacher Anna Immonen WED 14-16 B450 9. Teacher Anna Immonen THU 8-10 B450 10. Teacher Sami Andberg THU 8-10 C45458110-3 Scientific Writing (Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen kurssi) (4 cu)
Prof. Matti Mäkelä 14.9-26.10 TUE 12-14 A516 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 14.9-10.12 (Note! Sessions start only after first lecture.) Students have registered in the spring of 1999. The groups are found on the web page 1. Teacher Matti Nykänen 16.9- 9.12 MON 12-14, THU 12-14 B451 2. Asst. Satu Eloranta 16.9- 9.12 MON 10-12, THU 12-14 B452 3. Asst. Prof. Timo Karvi 14.9- 9.12 TUE 14-16, THU 14-16 B451 4. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola 16.9- 9.12 MON 9-11, THU 9-11 B451 5. Teacher Pasi Porkka 15.9- 10.12 WED 12-14, FRI 10-12 B451 6. Teacher Jan Lindström 16.9- 9.12 MON 8-10 B452, THU 8-10 B436 7. Asst. Prof. Sari A. Laakso 16.9- 9.12 MON 10-12, THU 10-12 B436 8. Asst. Juhani Kuittinen 17.9- 10.12 TUE 10-12, FRI 8-10 B451 9. Teacher Pirjo Moen 16.9- 9.12 MON 12-14, THU 9-11 B452 10. Asst. Prof. Mika Klemettinen 15.9-10.12 WED 10-12, FRI 10-12 B452 11. Asst. Prof. Tapio Elomaa 21.9- 9.12 TUE 16-17, THU 14-17 C475581259-4 Software Engineering (Ohjelmistotuotanto) (3 cu)
Erik.tutk. Lea Kutvonen 15.9-5.11 WED 16-18, FRI 10-12 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 27.9-12.11 1. Teacher Erkki Rautama TUE 14-16 B453 2. Teacher Erkki Rautama THU 14-16 C454 3. Teacher Erkki Rautama FRI 12-14 C454 4. Teacher Merja Alaluoma MON 12-14 A318 5. Teacher Merja Alaluoma FRI 8-10 A319581260-4 Software Engineering Project (Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti) (6 cu)
Students have registered in the spring of 1999. Preliminary groups can be found on the web page 1. Teacher Kimmo Takkunen 10.9-10.12 WED 14-16, FRI 10-13 C477 2. Asst. Prof. Karri-Pekka Laakso, Teacher Asko Saura 14.9-10.12 TUE 8-11, FRI 14-16 C455 3. Teacher Asko Saura, Asst. Prof. Karri-Pekka Laakso 13.9-8.12 MON 14-17, WED 14-16 B436 4. Asst. Jukka Eskola 14.9-9.12 MON 12-14 B436, THU 14-17 B452 5. Teacher Erkki Rautama 13.9-8.12 MON 12-14, WED 10-13 C475 6. Teacher Merja Alaluoma 14.9-9.12 TUE 14-16, THU 9-12 C477 7. Research Assistant Jarno Lehtimäki, Asst. Prof. Heikki Lokki 14.9-10.12 TUE 14-17 B452, FRI 9-12 C475 8. Teacher Santeri Pienimäki 14.9-10.12 TUE 14-17 B436 9. Asst. Prof. Harri Laine 14.9-9.12 TUE 8-11, THU 16-18 B436PROGRAMMING PROJECTS
Note! There are new rules regarding the the laboratory groups beginning from autumn 1999. If students want to cancel their registrations they must do so 48 hours before the groups starts. Students must finish their work within given time. Students who do not finish their work within given time, and students who have registered but not canceled (and never showed up in the group) cannot thereafter register for a new group in the normal way. They must instead register in the "queue of interrupters". First meetings take four hours including hours in parentheses. After that groups meet for two hours at a time.
58160-8 Programming Project (Ohjelmoinnin harjoitustyö) (2 cu)
1. Teacher Sasu Tarkoma 13.9-22.10 MON 16-18(18-20) C455 2. Teacher Tuomo Malinen 14.9-19.10 TUE 10-12(12-14) C476 3. Teacher Taneli Mielikäinen 15.9-20.10 WED 8-10(10-12) C477 4. Teacher Antti Kerminen 15.9-20.10 WED 14-16(16-18) C475 5. Teacher Sasu Tarkama 1.11-6.12 MON 16-18(18-20) C455 (new group!) 6. Teacher Taneli Mielikäinen 3.11-8.12 WED 8-10(10-12) B436 7. Teacher Antti Kerminen 3.11-8.12 WED 14-16(16-18) C475 8. Teacher Samppa Saarela 4.11-9.12 THU 14-16 C477 9. Teacher Juhani Haavisto 4.11-9.12 THU 10-12(12-14) C455 10. Teacher Jaana Heino 4.11-9.12 THU 14-16(16-18) C455581329-2 Database Application Project (Tietokantasovellusten harjoitustyö, former Information Systems Project) (2 cu)
1. Aman. Anni Rytkönen 13.9-18.10 Cancelled! 2. Teacher Janne Kraft 13.9-18.10 MON 10-12(12-14) C455 3. Teacher Sini Mäkelä 14.9-19.10 TUE 12-14(14-16) C455 4. Teacher Jussi Paalanen 15.9-20.10 WED 10-12(12-14) C455 5. Teacher Janne Kraft 16.9-21.10 THU 10-12(12-14) C475 6. Teacher Raine Kauppinen 16.9-21.10 THU 12-14(14-16) B436 7. Teacher Sami Andberg 2.11-7.12 TUE 10-12(12-14) C475 Note! The time has changed 8. Teacher Janne Kraft 1.11-6.12 MON 10-12(12-14) C455 9. Teacher Sini Mäkelä 2.11-7.12 TUE 12-14(14-16) C455 10. Asst. Juhani Kuittinen 3.11-8.12 WED 10-12(12-14) C477 11. Teacher Jussi Paalanen 3.11-8.12 WED 10-12(12-14) C455 12. Teacher Sami Andberg 4.11-9.12 THU 12-14(14-16) C477 If you believe that you can do the work on your own outside the groups, please contact the person in charge (Harri Laine).58161-5 Data Structures Project (Tietorakenteiden harjoitustyö) (2 cu)
1. Asst. Tommi Mononen 13.9-18.10 MON 10-12(12-14) C477 2. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 14.9-19.10 TUE 8-10(10-12) C475 3. Asst. Marko Salmenkivi 16.9-21.10 THU 12-14(14-16) C476 4. Asst. Prof. Otto Nurmi 16.9-21.10 THU 14-16(16-18) C455 Cancelled! 5. Asst. Tommi Mononen 1.11- 6.12 MON 10-12(12-14) C477 6. Leht.ap. Pentti Elolampi 2.11- 7.12 TUE 8-10(10-12) C476 7. Teacher Janne Rinta-Mänty 1.11- 1.12 MON 16-18(18-20) C475 Note! The times have changed. 8. Asst. Marko Salmenkivi 4.11- 9.12 THU 12-14(14-16) C476 9. Teacher Taneli Vähäkangas 5.11-10.12 FRI 10-12(12-14) C455 Note! Students can complete the Data Structures Project without participating in a group. Students must apply to the person in charge (Pentti Elolampi, office hours Wed 12-14 B439, Fri 9-10 B439) to do individual work in the laboratory. Students with good grades and good programming skills have priority. The work must be finished within two months. Application forms available from the person in charge Pentti Elolampi.
Cum Laude Approbatur /optional studies
58127-1 Programming in C (C-ohjelmointi) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen 14.9-22.10 TUE 10-12, FRI 12-14 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-22.10 1. Teacher Lauri Alanko TUE 8-10 B450 2. Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen (Possibly in English) TUE 12-14 A319 3. Teacher Jaakko Kyrö TUE 14-16 A318 4. Teacher Jaakko Kyrö TUE 16-18 A318 5. Teacher Lauri Alanko WED 10-12 B453 6. Teacher Mikko Rauhala WED 12-14 C454 7. Teacher Jaakko Kyrö WED 14-16 B453 8. Teacher Lauri Alanko THU 12-14 B450 9. Teacher Mikko Rauhala THU 14-16 B453 10. Asst. Prof. Liisa Marttinen FRI 10-12 A319581389-4 The Perl Programming Language (Perl-ohjelmointikieli) (2 cu)
Teacher Jarkko Hietaniemi 27.9-29.11 MON 16-18 AUDITORIUM Note! Time and place have changed. Note! The course is full. Registration has ended. Meeting hours (vastaanotot): 28.9-2.12 1. Teacher Jarkko Hietaniemi TUE 16-18 B438 2. Teacher Anita Kasari THU 13-15 D31558074-2 Computer Graphics (Tietokonegrafiikka) (4 cu)
Prof. Matti Mäkelä 14.9-9.12 TUE 10-12, THU 12-14 A516 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 15.9-9.12 1. Prof. Matti Mäkelä THU 14-16 A51658066-7 Artificial Intelligence (Tekoäly) (4 cu)
Asst. Prof. Jyrki Kivinen 20.9-9.12 MON 12-14, THU 14-16 A414 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 27.9-10.12 1. Asst. Satu Eloranta TUE 10-12 C454 2. Asst. Satu Eloranta CANCELLED! Students in group 2 have been asked to move to group 3. 3. Asst. Satu Eloranta THU 10-12 C454 4. Asst. Prof. Jyrki Kivinen THU 12-14 A318581371-3 Network Programming (Hajautettujen ohjelmistojen toteuttaminen) (4ov)
Teacher Markku Kojo 15.9-3.11 TUE 12-14, WED 14-16 A414 Note! Only a limited number of students are accepted on this course. Students must fill in the application form in the course registration system ILMO and asnwer the following questions: 1. Your UNIX id on the computers of the department. 2. Other courses in autumn 1999. 3. Completed courses not yet included in the credit register. 4. Other experience in programming and data communication. 5. Motivate in some words why you should be accepted for this course. 6. How have you prepared for the rather laborius project work? 7. Exercise group (number) that is most appropriate for you. Students with good grades have priority. Selection is further based on the answers given on the registration form. Despite what it has said earlier here, you can still register during the first lecture week. Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 27.9-12.11 1. Teacher Jukka Manner TUE 14-16 A320 2. Teacher Jukka Manner WED 8-10 A319 Project work (harjoitustyöryhmät): 25.10-10.12 1. Teacher Jukka Manner MON 8-11, THU 8-11 C476 Cancelled! 2. Teacher Jukka Manner MON 16-19, FRI 8-11 C476 3. Teacher Heikki Helin TUE 9-12 C477, THU 11-14 C475581251-0 Software Design (C++) (Ohjelmointitekniikka) (3 cu)
Asst. Prof. Juha Vihavainen 15.9-4.11 WED 12-14, THU 14-16 AUDITORIUM Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-19.11 1. Teacher Erkki Rautama MON 10-12 A319 2. Teacher Erkki Rautama TUE 10-12 A318 Group cancelled. 3. Teacher Erkki Rautama TUE 16-18 C454 4. Teacher Juha-Antti Sorsa TUE 18-20 C454 Group cancelled. 5. Teacher Jussi Paalanen WED 8-10 B450 6. Teacher Merja Alaluoma WED 10-12 A318 7. Teacher Merja Alaluoma WED 14-16 A318 8. Teacher Erkki Rautama THU 10-12 A319 9. Teacher Jussi Paalanen FRI 12-14 B45358094-0 Semantics of Program (Ohjelmien semantiikka) (3 cu)
Asst. Prof. Matti Luukkainen 15.9-8.12 WED 10-12 A414 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 22.9-8.12 1. Asst. Prof. Matti Luukkainen WED 8-10 C454 2. Asst. Prof. Matti Luukkainen WED 14-16 C454581377-1 Techniques for New Media Applications (Uusmediasovellusten tekniikat) (3 cu)
Prof. Helena Ahonen-Myka 15.9-8.12 WED 10-12 Auditorium (15.9-13.10), A516 (20-10-8.12) NOTE! Course registration has ended (the course is full). Those who have registered in the "overflow group" can apply to be accepted to the course by the lecturer The department will try to arrange the course again in spring. Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 27.9-3.12 1. Prof. Helena Ahonen-Myka WED 12-14 A320 2. Teacher Barbara Heikkinen THU 10-12 A320 3. Teacher Oskari Heinonen THU 14-16 A320 4. Mika Klemettinen THU 16-18 B453581378-4 Basics in Algorithmic Computing (Algoritmisen tietojenkäsittelyn perusteet) (2 cu)
Prof. Pekka Kilpeläinen 3.11-10.12 WED 12-14, FRI 10-12 A516 Note! Registration started on 6.10 at 9.00! Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 10.11-17.12 1. Prof. Pekka Kilpeläinen WED 14-16 A516581379-7 Basic course for students upgrading their studies (Muuntokoulutuksen peruskurssi) (Java) (4 cu)
Prof. Eero Hyvönen 14.9-25.11 TUE 16-18, THU 16-18 A516 The course is meant for students (upgrading their studies) who are unfamiliar with the concepts mentioned above. Other students may also apply for the course, e.g., students who have interrupted their studies and who want update their IT knowledge before continuing their studies. Applications are retrned to Eero Hyvönen. Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 20.9-3.12 1. Asst. Prof. Pentti Elolampi WED 16-18 C454 2. Asst. Prof. Pentti Elolampi WED 18-20 C454
58096-4 Distributed Operating Systems (Hajautetut käyttöjärjestelmät) (4 cu)
Prof. Timo Alanko 14.9-9.12 TUE 8-10, THU 8-10 A414 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 28.9-9.12 1. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola TUE 12-14 C454 2. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola TUE 14-16 C454 Cancelled! 3. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola (Possibly in English) THU 12-14 B453581359-3 Software Processes and Quality (Ohjelmistoprosessit ja ohjelmistojen laatu) (3 cu)
Prof. Inkeri Verkamo 23.9-16.11 TUE 10-12, THU 10-12 A414 Note! Start and end dates have changed. Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 28.9-11.11 1. Prof. Inkeri Verkamo TUE 8-10 C454 2. Prof. Inkeri Verkamo THU 12-14 C454581365-8 Computer Architecture (Tietokoneen rakenne) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola 25.10-1.12 MON 12-14 A516, WED 12-14 A414 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 1.11-10.12 1. Teacher Kirsti Maaniemi WED 8-10 B453 Cancelled! 2. Teacher Kirsti Maaniemi WED 10-12 B453 3. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola WED 14-16 B453 4. Asst. Prof. Teemu Kerola THU 14-16 B453581339-9 Three Concepts: Utility (Kolme käsitettä: päätöksenteko) (3 cu)
Prof. Henry Tirri 1.10-10.12 FRI 12-15 A320 Registration through the WWW form on before 15.9 at 14:00.581252-3 Robotics (Robotiikka) (4 cu)
Asst. Prof. Tapio Elomaa 21.9-1.12 TUE 10-12, WED 12-14 B453 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 28.9-7.12 1. Asst. Prof. Tapio Elomaa TUE 12-14 B453581380-7 Complexity Theory (Laskennan vaativuusteoria) (4 cu)
Teacher Lauri Hella 21.9-2.12 TUE 14-16, THU 10-12 A516 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 21.9-2.12 Lectures include exercises. Exercises every second week.581541-0 Transaction Processing (Tapahtumakäsittely) (4 cu)
Teacher Juha Puustjärvi 13.9-29.11 MON 8-11 B453 Exercise sessions (harjoitusryhmät): 13.9-29.11 Note! The first exercise session is a lecture. 1. Ph.D. Juha Puustjärvi MON 11-13 A516 (from 25.10 in B453) 2. Ph.D. Juha Puustjärvi TUE 12-14 C474 (new group)581381-0 User Interfaces II (Käyttöliittymät II) (3 cu)
Asst. Prof. Sari A. Laakso 29.9-15.10 WED 12-14, FRI 10-12 A414 When you register (ILMO), please answer the following questions: 1. Your e-mail address? 2. Why do you want to take part in this course? 3. Compulsory requisite for this course is the course User Interfaces. Please, tell when you completed the course (spring 99 / spring 98 / before that)? 4. Have you read Alan Cooper's book ABOUT FACE? 5. Do you know the concept "software design patterns" from before? 6. The project work of the course is done in pairs. Do you already have a pair, please tell the lecturer about her/his name. You can also inform the lecturer before the course starts: 7. What do you expect from this course? Registration has ended (the course is full). If you have special reasons to attend the course, please contact the lecturer by e-mail to Agent Technology (Agenttiteknologia) (2 cu)
Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen 4.10-25.11 MON 16-18, THU 16-18 A319581383-6 ATM Data Communication (ATM-tietoliikenne) (2 cu)
M.Sc. (Tech) Kari Seppänen and M.Sc. (Tech) Harri Hansen 6.10-24.11 WED 16-19 A414 Note! The lecture times and room have changed581361-6 Software Testing (Ohjelmistojen testaus) (3 cu)
Prof. Jukka Paakki 21.9-14.10 TUE 16-19, THU 16-19 A414581360-3 Management of Software Projects (Ohjelmistoprojektien johtaminen) (2 cu)
Prof. Jukka Paakki 26.10-2.12 TUE 16-18, THU 16-18 A414 Note! Registration started on 6.10 at 9.00! Participation limited to 40 students.
58153078-9 Digital Libraries (Digitaaliset kirjastot) (2cu)
Prof. Hannu Erkiö 13.9-29.11 MON 10-12 A414 Please register to the seminar according to instructions found on the web page of the seminar.58153076-5 Study Seminar on Computational Research Methods (Laskennallisten tutkimusmenetelmien opintoseminaari) (2 cu)
Docent Hannu Toivonen 23.9-9.12 THU 16-18 A320 Seminar registration by a short application and a copy of your registered studies in the university credit register to before 19.9.1999.58153082-6 Software Requirements Engineering (Ohjelmistojen vaatimusten hallinta) (2 cu)
Prof. Inkeri Verkamo 14.9-7.12 TUE 14-16 A414 (21.9 A320)58153083-3 Object Architectures (Olioarkkitehtuurit) (2 cu)
Asst. Prof. Juha Vihavainen 16.9-9.12 THU 12-14 A414 Students register in the normal way using the registration system ILMO of the department. In addition, students should fill in a registration form (see the web page of the seminar) and return to Juha Vihavainen before 8:00 p.m. on Friday 10, 1999.58153081-9 Real-Time and Embedded Systems (2 cu)
Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen 17.9-10.12 FRI 8-10 A318
In English.58153080-2 Electronic Commerce (Sähköinen kaupankäynti) (2 cu)
Erik.tutk. Lea Kutvonen 14.9-7.12 TUE 12-14 A320 Registration by sending a short application and a copy of your credit register to Lea.Kutvonen@cs.Helsinki.FI before 3.9.1999.
Accepted students are informed on 8 September 1999 at the latest. In your application, please tell about your own interest in electronic commerce, and if your interest has to do with your forth-cominh thesis or your your work.58153079-6 Data Mining in Text (Tietämyksen muodostaminen tekstiaineistoista) (2 cu)
Prof. Helena Ahonen-Myka 16.9-9.12 THU 12-14 A32058153077-2 Research seminar on Intelligent Systems (Älykkäiden järjestelmien tutkimusseminaari (2 cu)
Prof. Henry Tirri 17.9-10.12 FRI 10-12 B453 Please register by filling in the form on page before 6.9.1999.