University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Department information


582721 Research ethics - everyday questions for researchers (1 cp)

Time: 2-3 June 2008, at 9:00-16:00
Place: Room D122, Department of Computer Science, Exactum Building. Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b
Teacher: Dr Henriikka Clarkeburn, University of Sydney


Please give feedback if you attended the course. Please ignore for this course irrelevant questions (no. 15-16, 18-21).


Please register for the course through the Registration Systems of the Department of Computer Science.

The course is especially intended for

In order to get approval for the credits, each participant is to submit a short plan of his/her research (project) in advance to the teacher: h.clarkeburn <at>

The number of students is limited to 50.

Course content

Knowledgeable researchers can ethically justify their decisions, identify ethical questions within their work and discuss ethical themes within their scientific community and with the general public. During this course in research ethics these aims are achieved by introducing key questions in research ethics and providing an opportunity for participants to analyse ethical questions rising from their own research and those of others'. The course is interactive and everyone will be given a chance to practice their own ethical decision-making skills and understanding of ethical questions in their own research.



Preliminary programme

Day 1 - 2 June 2008

Morning 9-11.30
Introduction to research ethics
Ethics legislation and regulations in Finland and internationally

Afternoon 12.45-16 (including a break)
Ethical questions in research activity
Ethical questions in one's own research

Day 2 - 3 June 2008

Morning 9-11.30
Ethical questions in research publication
Ethical questions in conference attendance/publications

Afternoon 12.15-16 (including a break)
Ethical questions in research supervision
Ethical questions in research funding
Ethical questions in external collaborations
Ethical questions and the personal life of researchers

Teaching methods and assessment

In order to get approval for the credits, each participant is to submit a short plan of his/her research project in advance and actively participate in the lectures. Furthermore, the completion of the course will require a short essay submission following the course attendance. The essay outlines the ethical challenges in one's own research. Details of this work will be given during the course.



Lecture notes

Lecture slides




Recommended only: Tutkijan arkipäivän etiikka (Vastapaino 2007)

Ethical questions raised by Hecse ethics course participants

Definitions of a good researcher by Hecse ethics course participants