You might be thinking by now "Why don't you just organize the polygons in a virtual structure and display them instantly?"
(or maybe you weren't, but I know I was, so humor me)
Well, that's just what the painter's algorithm does!
It works like this:
Sort surfaces in order of devreasing depth
Scan-convert surfaces in order, starting with surface of greatest depth
Is it really that easy? of course not.
if all the polygons we ever wanted to perform a hidden surface-algorithm on looked like this (right) there would be no problem.
Unfortunately, most graphics rending programs include polygons arranged in complicated, confoluted conficurations, that require a rather complex and processor intensive sort. (see below) Thats the bad news... read on for the good news.
The good news:
Thanks to a structure called the BSP or Binary Space Partitioning Tree, once the polygon-order is determined, the view can be generated from ANY POINT.
This makes many things easy, like real-time animation.