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Detailed Schedule (Updated 1-Jul-00) 5 Annual ITiCSE Conference July 11 July 13, 2000 Monday, July 10, 0830 1900 Registration desk is open at the main conference venue 0830 1600 Tutorials 0900 1600 Lunch break for tutorial and working group attendees 1200 1300 Monday, July 10 City Reception in downtown Old Court House ('Vanha Raatihuone') Street address: Aleksanterinkatu 20 1800 1900 Tuesday, July 11, 0900 1020 0900 ITiCSE OPENING SESSION (Hanna) Welcome Address Jorma Tarhio, Conference Chair, University of Joensuuu, Finland Timo Alanko, Head of Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland 0910 INVITED LECTURE (Hanna) Title: How to measure and analyse sound-discrimination accuracy directly from brain waves Risto Näätänen, University of Helsinki, Finland Tuesday, July 11 Coffee Break/Poster Session 1020 1100 Tuesday, July 11, 1100 1220 PAPERS: Technology for Teaching (Hanna) 1100 A multi-agent system for computer science education Hongchi Shi, University of Missouri-Columbia, USAYi Shang, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA Su-Shing Chen, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 1120 Lecturelets web based Java enabled lectures Fintan Culwin, South Bank University, UK1140 Dynamically generating problems on static scope Amruth N. Kumar, Ramapo College of New Jersey, USA1200 Teaching computer networking using open source software Daniel Nelson, Victoria University of Technology, Australia Yau Man Ng, Victoria University of Technology, Australia PAPERS: CS Education Research (Betty) 1100 Structuring the student research experience Andrew Bernat, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA Ann Q. Gates, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA Patricia J. Teller, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA Nelly Delgado, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA 1120 The anthropology of semaphores Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Mordechai Ben-Ari, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Sarah Pollack, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 1140 Does it help to have some programming experience before beginning a computing degree program? Dianne Hagan, Monash University, Australia Selby Markham, Monash University, Australia 1200 A worldwide, web-based study of the attitudes of college freshmen toward computing Bunny J. Tjaden, The George Washington University, USA Brett C. Tjaden, Ohio University, USA Tuesday, July 11 Lunch in the Cafeteria 1220 1330 Tuesday, July 11, 1330 1450 PAPERS: Visualisation (Hanna) 1330 Elucidate: a tool to aid comprehension of concurrent OO execution Chris Exton, Monash University, Australia 1350 The Animal Algorithm Animation Tool Guido Roessling, University of Siegen, Germany Markus Schueler, University of Siegen, Germany Bernd Freisleben, University of Siegen, Germany 1410 Making the connection: Programming with animated Small World Wanda Dann, Ithaca College, USA Stephen Cooper, Saint Joseph's University, USA Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 1430 Teaching OO with Object Visualization & Annotation Language (OVAL) Mirko Raner, Patriot Scientific Corporation, San Diego, USA
PAPERS: Software Engineering (Betty) 1330 Teaching tools for software engineering education Martin Dick, Monash University, Australia Margot Postema, Monash University, Australia Jan Miller, Monash University, Australia 1350 Teams need a process Thomas B. Hilburn, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA 1410 Systems analysis with attitude! Maurice Abi-Raad, RMIT University, Australia1430 Enter the usability engineer: integrating HCI and Software Engineering Xristine Faulkner, South Bank University, UK Fintan Culwin, South Bank University, UK Tuesday, July 11 Coffee Break/WG Poster Session 1450 1530 Tuesday, July 11, 1530 1650 PAPERS: WWW: Course Management and Course Content (Hanna) 1530 A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management Kurt Nørmark, Aalborg University, Denmark 1550 Instructional instruments for web group learning systems Kuo-Liang Ou, National Central University, Taiwan Gwo-Dong Chen, National Central University, Taiwan Chen-Chung Liu, National Central University, Taiwan Baw-Jhiune Liu, National Central University, Taiwan 1610 Interactive packages for learning image compression algorithms Sami Khuri, San Jose State University, USA Hsiu-Chin Hsu, San Jose State University, USA 1630 Can web development courses avoid obsolescence? Frank Klassner, Villanova University, USA
PANEL Future challenges in program visualization (Betty) Moderator: Erkki Sutinen, University of Joensuu, Finland Tues., 1530-1650 Panelists: To be determined - this panel is based on the discussion and fresh results of the 1st Program Visualization Workshop which immediately precedes the conference. Tuesday, July 11 Reception Main Building 1900 2100 Wednesday, July 12, 0900 1020 0900 INVITED LECTURE (Hanna) Radically Rethinking CS1 Lynn Andrea Stein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Wednesday, July 12 Coffee Break/Poster Session 1020 1100 Wednesday, July 12, 1100 1220 PAPERS: Teaching Programming (Hanna) 1100 Colorful examples for elaborating exploration of regularities in high-school CS1 David Ginat, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 1120 Combating the code warrior Debora Weber-Wulff, Technische Fachhochschule, Germany 1140 Making students read and review code Andreas Zeller, Universität Passau, Germany 1200 Students seen flocking in programming assignments Tony Greening, The University of Sydney, Australia
PAPERS: Distance Education (Betty) 1100 Team projects in distance education: a case in HCI design Herman Koppelman, Open Univ. & Univ of Twente, the Netherlands Elisabeth M.A.G. van Dijk, University of Twente, the Netherlands Charles P.A.G. van der Mast, Delft Univ. of Technology, the Netherlands Gerrit C. van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands 1120 The Internet-based lecture: Converging teaching and technology J. Mark Pullen, George Mason University, USA 1140 Distance tutorials in a Systems Design course Joakim von Wright, Abo Akademi University, Finland 1200 A generic model for on-line learning John Rosbottom, University of Portsmouth, UK Jonathan Crellin, University of Portsmouth, UK Dave Fysh, University of Portsmouth, UK Wednesday, July 12 Lunch in the Cafeteria 1220 1330 Wednesday, July 12 Excursions afternoon
Wednesday, July 12 Banquet 1900 2400 at Ostrobotnia Thursday, July 13, 0900 1020 0900 INVITED LECTURE (Hanna) Should CS students use modern tools? Roger Needham, Microsoft Research Limited, UK Thursday, July 13 Coffee Break/Poster Session 1020 1100 Thursday, July 13, 1100 1220 PAPERS: Impact of Technology on the Curriculum (Hanna) 1100 Apprenticeship learning of software engineering using Webworlds Peter Chalk, South Bank University, UK 1120 Integrating interactive computer-based learning experiences into established curricula: A case study Anne Morgan Spalter, Brown University, USA Rosemary Michelle Simpson, Brown University, USA 1140 Agent technology in Computer Science and Engineering curriculum Yi Shang, University of Missouri, USA Hongchi Shi, University of Missouri, USA Su-Shing Chen, University of Missouri, USA 1200 A portable class library for teaching multithreaded programming Ching-Kuang Shene, Michigan Technological University, USA Steve Carr, Michigan Technological University, USA PAPERS: The Big Picture (Betty) 1100 An international student/faculty collaboration: The Runestone Project Mary Z. Last, St. Edwards University, USA Vicki L. Almstrum, University of Texas at Austin, USA Mats Daniels, Uppsala University, Sweden Carl Erickson, Grand Valley State University, USA Bruce Klein, Grand Valley State University, USA 1120 Has our curriculum become Math-phobic: an American perspective Charles Kelemen, Swarthmore College, USA Allen Tucker, Bowdoin College, USA Peter Henderson, Butler University, USA Kim Bruce, Williams College, USA Owen Astrachan, Duke University, USA 1140 Student well-being in a computing department John Davy, University of Leeds, UK Kerry Audin, University of Leeds, UK Michael Barkham, University of Leeds, UK Caroline Joyner, University of Leeds, UK 1200 Is computer technology taught upside down? - An Australian perspective S. P. Maj, Edith Cowan University, Australia D. Veal, Edith Cowan University, Australia P. Charlesworth, University College Suffolk, UK Thursday, July 13 Lunch in the Cafeteria 1220 1330 Thursday, July 13, 1330 1450 PAPERS: Concepts and Courseware (Hanna) 1330 Three semesters of CS0 using Java: Assignments and Experiences Elizabeth Odekirk-Hash, University of Utah, USA Dominic Jones, University of Utah, USA Peter Jensen, University of Utah, USA 1350 Using Ada-based robotics to teach Computer Science Barry S. Fagin, United States Air Force Academy, USA 1410 ILE : A JAVA-based environment for CS courses H. Hosny, The American University in Cairo, Egypt O. Khaled, The American University in Cairo, Egypt M. E. Fathalla, The American University in Cairo, Egypt 1430 Pedagogical power tools for teaching Java Jeff Raab, Northeastern University, USA Richard Rasala, Northeastern University, USA Viera K. Proulx, , Northeastern University, USA
PANEL Teaching Inter-institutional Courses - Sharing Challenges and Resources (Betty), Thur., 1330-1450 Moderator: Bruce J. Klein, Grand Valley State University, USA Panelists: Anders Berglund, Uppsala University, Sweden Tony Clear, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Mats Daniels, Uppsala University, Sweden Annegret Goold, Deakin University, Australia Dianne Hagan, Monash University, Australia Mary Last, St. Edwards University, USA Erkki Sutinen, University of Joensuu, Finland Thursday, July 13 Coffee Break/Demo Session 1450 1530 Thursday, July 13, 1530 1650 Special Session: Tips and Techniques (Hanna) Chair: Sally Fincher, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK Do it themselvesRoger Boyle, University of Leeds, UK
Toolbook multimedia demonstrations for Java programming
Have a Great Lab without Needing Roller Skates
Email Groups for Learning and Assessment
A Kernel-Based Synchronization Assignment for the Operating Systems Course
PAPERS: Automated Assessment (Betty) 1530 Algorithm simulation with automatic assessment Ari Korhonen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Lauri Malmi, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 1550 A semi-automated approach to online assessment David Jackson, University of Liverpool, UK 1610 Experience with an automatically assessed course John English, University of Brighton, UK Phil Siviter, University of Brighton, UK 1630 A case for data-driven testing Tony Greening, The University of Sydney, Australia Glenn Stevens, The University of Ballarat, Australia David Stratton, The University of Ballarat, Australia Thursday, July 13 Closing Session - (Hanna) 1650 1720 Thursday, July 13 Farewell Party - Yard 1720 1900 |