![]() Dr. Albert M. K. Cheng received the B.A. with Highest Honors in Computer Science, graduating Phi Beta Kappa, the M. S. in Computer Science with ha minor in Electrical Engineering, and the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1990, all from The University of Texas at Austin, where he also held a GTE Foundation Doctoral Fellowship. Dr. Cheng is currently a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston -- University Park, where he is the founding Director of the Real-Time Systems Laboratory. He has served as a technical consultant for several organizations, including IBM. During the summer 1995, he was a visiting professor at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include real-time systems, rule-based expert systems, reliable software systems, multimedia tools, and fault-tolerant distributed and parallel systems. He is the author/co-author of over fifty refereed publications; he is serving and has served on the program committees of many conferences in his areas of research (including ICECCS, IC3N, CIKM, PDCS, COMPASS, ICTAI,CAIA, ICDE, and HICSS). He is a frequent reviewer for the IEEE-CS Publication's Office as well as for many journals and conferences. Dr. Cheng has received numerous awards, including the National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advance Research Program Award, and the University of Houston Research Initiation Grant. He has been nominated for the 1998 University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award by his students and colleagues for his outstanding teaching. He is a member of the honor societies of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Beta Alpha Phi, and Golden Key. He has been invited to present seminars and tutorials at many conference including IEEE CAIA, IEEE COMPASS, IEEE PDIS, IEEE SAST, IEA/AIE, SEKE, IEEE CBMS, IEEE IC3N, ICCIMA, EIS, ICPDCS, IEEE ICECCS, and IEEE IPCCC; and has given invited seminars at many universities and organizations. He is the guest editor of an upcoming 1998 Special Issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems on real-time AI system. Dr. Cheng is a Senior Member of the IEEE. |