Shridhar Iyengar, UNISYS
Distributed Object Repositories : Enterprise software integration
using Metadata and Distributed Objects
The world of meta data and repositories which used to be the primary
domain of data administration and development tool environments is now
being reshaped and in fact occupies a key role in distributed
development and run time environments. This session discusses the need
for active meta data management and a distributed repository
architecture that spans DCOM/CORBA/EJB to address the needs of
enterprise wide meta data management. Meta data and objects are at the
core of new standards (UML, MOF and XMI) being proposed to the OMG.
Industry product development efforts at IBM, Unisys and Microsoft are
finally coming to fruition and being deployed by customers. This
session will cover :
- Repository concepts and need for dynamic and extensible meta data
- Evolution of Repository Architectures from monolithic to extensible
distributed object repositories
- An Architecture for a CORBA/DCOM based Repository for the enterprise
- OMG efforts in repositories, components and information models
MOF, XMI, XML, CORBA Component Model...)
- Representative object repository products (IBM, Microsoft,
- Examples of object repository use in development tools, data
warehousing and business object environments
Tune in for the latest scoop from recent OMG meetings on the status of
these evolving standards as well as news from the industry leaders.