University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Department information


Instruction in English 2002-2003

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In normal (autumn and spring) terms we have courses offered in English either at basic level (approbatur, cum laude approbatur) or at advanced or postgraduate level (laudatur). Some courses (basic, intermediate, advanced) may have exercise sessions in English.

Some courses are organised in co-operation with the Helsinki University of Technology, the Rolf Nevanlinna Institute, the University of Tampere, the University of Turku, or the Center for Scientific Computing. Some courses will be taught by foreign visitors at the department, but most are taught by native Finns.

Students should contact the instructor in advance in case they wish any specific course to be lectured in English.

oOrientation studies

o Approbatur (basic level) and Cum laude approbatur (intermediate level)

Autumn 2002

58127 Programming in C (2 cu) in English
Lectures: Assistant Andrei Gurtov 25 Oct - 5 Dec Thu 10-12, Fri 12-14 Auditorium
Programming work: 25 Nov - 5 Dec
We learn how to program in ANSI C. Prerequisites: programming skills, and the courses Introduction to Programming, Programming in Java, Programming Project or corresponding skills. Students are also recommended to have completed (or to take at the same time) the course Data Structures. The course can be completed without these prerequisites but will in that case require a lot of additional work. Course literature: Müldner T.: C for Java Programmers, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

Spring 2003

581384 Introduction to the Use of Computers (2 cu) in English
Lectures: MSc Laila Daniel, Teacher Krishnan Narayanan 14 Jan - 18 Mar Tue 12-14 A320
This basic course gives a practical introduction to the use of computers. It covers such areas as the basics of Unix and Windows, WWW and HTML, e-mail, news groups, text and image processing and spreadsheet computation. The course gives essential background for further computer science courses.

581328 Introduction to Databases (2 cu) in English
Teacher: Lecturer Harri Laine 13 Jan - 19 Feb
The course will explain the basic concepts of databases, what databases are, and how they are used. It concentrates on relational databases. Main emphasis is on the SQL database language. A short introduction to the design of relational databases is included. The course is implemented mainly as an e-learning course, and it belongs to the international TUeLIP virtual university course collection. In addition to the e-learning material there are only a couple of lectures, the times of which will be determined later on.

Some intermediate level courses may include one exercise group (laskuharjoitusryhmä) in English if there is sufficient demand. Students should contact the instructor in advance if they would like to have the exercise sessions in English.

o Laudatur (advanced or postgraduate level)

The laudatur courses offered in English fall into two categories: courses associated with graduate schools and regular courses. There are two graduate schools, the Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (HeCSE) and the Graduate School in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biometry (ComBi). Some HeCSE and ComBi courses are offered at our department at the University of Helsinki (UH). Other HeCSE Courses are offered at various departments of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) and some ComBi courses are offered by the Rolf Nevanlinna Institute, the University of Tampere, the University of Turku, or the Center for Scientific Computing. More information on these courses is available directly from HeCSE or ComBi by e-mail (hecse@cs.hut.FI and or on the WWW (http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/hecse/ and http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/combi/).

Autumn 2002

582418 Proof Theory and Proof Search (2 cu) in English
Lecturer: PhD Sara Negri 17 Sept - 31 Oct (except 19 Sept, 29 Oct) Tue 10-12, Thu 10-12 A215/A216
The course gives a concise introduction to the central methods and results of structural proof theory. Special emphasis is given to the design of logical calculi supporting proof-search. The course includes exercise and demo sessions with the use of an interactive proof-editor for sequent calculus. Expected background is an introductory course in logic. Course literature: "Structural Proof Theory", Sara Negri and Jan von Plato, Cambridge U.P. 2001.


58302305 Seminar on Linux Kernel (2 cu) in English
Professor Kimmo Raatikainen 18 Sept - 4 Dec Wed 16-18 A320

Spring 2003

582422 Internet Protocols for Mobile Computing (2 cu) in English
Lecturer: Professor Kimmo Raatikainen 23 Jan - 10 Apr Thu 16-18 B450
The course examines recent developments in IP QoS, security, mobility, session, location, and discovery protocols.

582407 Software Agent Technology (2 + 1 cu)
Lectures: PhLic Heimo Laamanen, PhLic Heikki Helin 20 Jan - 5 May Mon 16-18 B450 (Lectures both in Finnish and English, if required, then all in English)
The course consists of three parts: Theory, Practice, and Study. The theory part presents basics of software agents including different definitions for software agents, internal structures of software agents, and software agents as a design and implementation tool for distributed systems. The practise part presents various implementations of software agents including software agent platforms, various application areas for software agents, and agent research and development carried out by various parties. In the study part, students prepare and present posters about selected topics discussed in either theory or practise part.


58303102 Seminar on High-availability and timeliness in Linux (2 cu) in English
Professor Kimmo Raatikainen 22 Jan - 7 May Wed 16-18 A319

Some advanced level courses may include one exercise group (laskuharjoitusryhmä) in English if there is sufficient demand. Students should contact the instructor in advance if they would like to have the exercise sessions in English or if they are interested in lectures in English.

o Exams

Most examinationss, at all levels, can be taken in English if so requested. The examinations material will be available in English in such cases. Please contact the instructor giving the examination two weeks in advance.

o Registration

All registration for computer science courses should be made using the Computer Registration System (ILMO) (user id tkt_ilmo, press return for password) at the department (e.g., in room D423, 4th floor, starts on 3 September, 2002, at 9 o'clock (major students) and on 4 September, 2002, at 9 o'clock (minor students); and on 7th January 2003 (major students) and on 8th January 2003 (minor students) for the spring term). For the HeCSE and ComBi courses organised by outside sources, please contact the instructor or the appropriate department. Verify times and places from either the appropriate notice boards at our department, or directly from HeCSE.

o Additional Information

The most recent copy of this document is available in WWW ( Other questions on instruction in English at our department can be directed to the Foreign Student Advisor. See also the page International Students' Guide to Computer Science. For questions concerning any specific course or examination it is best to contact the person responsible for the course or the examination directly.

The Computer Science Programme 2002-2003 is available in English.

For questions concerning admission to the university, see International Students' Guide to Computer Science or please contact the Faculty of Science.

For detailed information please refer to the departmental notice boards at the beginning of each term, see the WWW pages of the department (with course information) or contact the departmental Student Councelling Office in room B439, Department of Computer Science, Teollisuuskatu 23, tel. 191 44222.

There is more information about other courses in English at the university.

For a general description of the Department of Computer Science, see Computer Science at the University of Helsinki - Annual report 2001.